Message from @Violence is beauty {MACA}

Discord ID: 762704628777222195

2020-10-05 15:40:25 UTC  

High school or college?

2020-10-05 15:40:57 UTC  

Vox has some good stuff, but most of there opinion videos are trash

2020-10-05 15:41:16 UTC  

There best stuff was warzone coverage

2020-10-05 15:44:57 UTC  

Jokes on you I had to watch CNN the mosted trusted news

2020-10-05 15:45:08 UTC  


2020-10-05 15:45:10 UTC  


2020-10-05 15:45:13 UTC  

Vox sucks at politics

2020-10-05 15:50:40 UTC  


2020-10-05 15:51:13 UTC  

“IMpEacHmEnT iS BrokEn. impEaCH TruMp ANyWAy”

2020-10-05 15:53:29 UTC  

do conservative trans people exist

2020-10-05 15:53:43 UTC  

IDK maybe

2020-10-05 15:53:51 UTC  


2020-10-05 15:53:52 UTC  

because the only person ik is blaire white

2020-10-05 15:54:15 UTC  

and they say that there is only 2 genders

2020-10-05 15:54:34 UTC  


2020-10-05 15:54:59 UTC  

They exist. One of the mods here is a conservative trans person.

2020-10-05 15:55:10 UTC  


2020-10-05 15:55:24 UTC  

because conservatives usually disagree with the trans thing

2020-10-05 15:55:45 UTC  

no we don't

2020-10-05 15:55:50 UTC  

I don't think they necessarily disagree, but disagree with how it is carried out by the left.

2020-10-05 15:55:53 UTC  

it's weird but what's to disagree with?

2020-10-05 15:55:56 UTC  

Trump wants to decriminalize it

2020-10-05 15:55:58 UTC  

most do.

2020-10-05 15:56:03 UTC  

including me

2020-10-05 15:56:17 UTC  

i dont think being trans makes you a bad person automatically, but i just believe that its wrong, imo.

2020-10-05 15:56:23 UTC  

due to religious beliefs

2020-10-05 15:56:25 UTC  

ok so? want a cookie to feel special?

2020-10-05 15:56:32 UTC  

i never said that

2020-10-05 15:56:43 UTC  

its just odd seeing a trans conservative person

2020-10-05 15:56:44 UTC  

thats all

2020-10-05 15:56:49 UTC  

I don't care if your trans, just don't make me pay for it

2020-10-05 15:57:39 UTC  

dude i don't drink. when people do all i say is not my business. when someone wants to do hormones and change into a female i don't care you know why? because it's none of my business

2020-10-05 15:57:47 UTC  

imo, i do believe being trans is wrong, but if i see a trans person in public, i dont scream at them or shit, if they treat me like a normal human being i will treat them like one.

2020-10-05 15:58:29 UTC  

@BIRdOS we are going to make everyone trans and have the biological born males pay for it!

2020-10-05 15:58:35 UTC  

thats true

2020-10-05 15:58:37 UTC  

if they have to point out they are trans, every milisecond, i wont treat them like it.

2020-10-05 15:59:14 UTC  

they are a person that's where it ends for me.

2020-10-05 15:59:19 UTC  

one time I was with my dad this crazy man in a dress walked up to us and started harassing us and he literally threatened to rape me

2020-10-05 15:59:28 UTC  

and ever since Ive never really liked trans people

2020-10-05 15:59:29 UTC  

i don't care what you want to be, just leave me out of it

2020-10-05 15:59:30 UTC  

man White, straight, conservative males are treated like dog shit