Message from @FxllenCoyote

Discord ID: 762712982865051728

2020-10-05 16:27:18 UTC  

hell yea brother

2020-10-05 16:27:20 UTC  

If we lived in a fully christian society, it would be a eutopia. The further you stray from gods will and replace it with man made ideology of what they think is right, (liberalism) you end up with what you have today

2020-10-05 16:27:20 UTC  


2020-10-05 16:27:31 UTC  

uh no not exactly

2020-10-05 16:27:43 UTC  


2020-10-05 16:27:49 UTC  


2020-10-05 16:27:55 UTC  

christianity is used to control societies

2020-10-05 16:27:59 UTC  

it's been that way since forever lol

2020-10-05 16:28:05 UTC  

even movies point that out

2020-10-05 16:28:06 UTC  

The church has controlled society

2020-10-05 16:28:08 UTC  

are people seriously giving trump shit for driving by his supporters........

2020-10-05 16:28:16 UTC  

Don't confuse that with actual christianity

2020-10-05 16:28:20 UTC  

The institution yes @Atari

2020-10-05 16:28:22 UTC  

i partially don't agree
> i don't care about what people do with their bodies. i care about low taxes, low spending, free markets and gun rights
@jabilson i personally don't see abortion as great but i don't think the government should ban woman from doing it. Also, prohibition only makes things worse

2020-10-05 16:28:24 UTC  

the bible gives people false hope, plus i'm agnostic anyways

2020-10-05 16:28:27 UTC  

ya like trump put da secret service in da dangers

2020-10-05 16:28:31 UTC  

The faith itself no

2020-10-05 16:28:38 UTC  

i don't believe in an entirely christian society, that'd be impossible to control

2020-10-05 16:28:40 UTC  

False hope? Nah bro

2020-10-05 16:28:42 UTC  

oppressive af

2020-10-05 16:29:05 UTC  

A christian society in which everyone believes in God but isn't forced to by the government

2020-10-05 16:29:10 UTC  

If nothing else it teaches self responsibility

2020-10-05 16:29:11 UTC  

Non oppressive

2020-10-05 16:29:12 UTC  

having the bible hanging around society doesn't stop criminals/ideologies

2020-10-05 16:29:16 UTC  

if trump was pro choice he'd be called a racist for wanting to kill black babies

2020-10-05 16:29:27 UTC  


2020-10-05 16:29:45 UTC  


2020-10-05 16:29:50 UTC  

it'd be impossible to enforce christianity on an entire society unless you indoctrinate cough the children in schools with the bible

2020-10-05 16:29:50 UTC  

Imagine if trump was a Democrat

2020-10-05 16:29:57 UTC  

The bible teaches all the morals we consider to be good today.

2020-10-05 16:30:05 UTC  

And it's not indoctrination if ur teaching them the truth

2020-10-05 16:30:09 UTC  

Crypto is way up today bruhs

2020-10-05 16:30:11 UTC  

rules in schools/homes are set on basic morals

2020-10-05 16:30:18 UTC  

and it is indoctrination, you can't prove the bible was true

2020-10-05 16:30:30 UTC  

Ofc not, no one can

2020-10-05 16:30:34 UTC  

y e a h

2020-10-05 16:30:40 UTC  

Only those who know, know it is

2020-10-05 16:30:46 UTC  

no shit ^

2020-10-05 16:30:48 UTC  

UK is a joke period

2020-10-05 16:30:57 UTC  

Except all the houses of God around the world

2020-10-05 16:31:34 UTC  

ideologies are impossible to prevent