Message from @Lynxoid

Discord ID: 388439431478116354

2017-12-07 21:18:18 UTC  


2017-12-07 21:18:19 UTC  

@Matthew you just gave up on your body because you got with the first girlfriend you got

2017-12-07 21:18:28 UTC  


2017-12-07 21:18:35 UTC  

I found something

2017-12-07 21:18:40 UTC  

welp got a gf time to get fat

2017-12-07 21:18:41 UTC  


2017-12-07 21:18:45 UTC  


2017-12-07 21:18:49 UTC  

@Comfy#1404 Was fat before I got with her, m8. It all went downhill the year N64 came out

2017-12-07 21:18:50 UTC  


2017-12-07 21:18:58 UTC  

😂 😂 😂

2017-12-07 21:18:59 UTC  

Who wouldn't, shrimp only cares because he thinks he's going to die an early death of cancer.

2017-12-07 21:19:00 UTC  

Oui oui

2017-12-07 21:19:03 UTC  


2017-12-07 21:19:14 UTC  

je suis charlie

2017-12-07 21:19:19 UTC  


2017-12-07 21:19:22 UTC  


2017-12-07 21:19:25 UTC  

who here /sharpelbows/

2017-12-07 21:19:30 UTC  

Je suis Pascal

2017-12-07 21:19:30 UTC  


2017-12-07 21:19:36 UTC  

daily reminder that people with autism are statistically more likely to die younger

2017-12-07 21:19:37 UTC  

Je suis Lynx

2017-12-07 21:19:46 UTC  

@transience prove it

2017-12-07 21:19:46 UTC  


2017-12-07 21:19:49 UTC  

who here disable their elbows when they hit a nerve

2017-12-07 21:19:50 UTC  

@transience I'll send flowers to your parents

2017-12-07 21:19:55 UTC  
2017-12-07 21:20:10 UTC  

@johnfrum thank you 💓

2017-12-07 21:20:11 UTC  

They usually have physical problems

2017-12-07 21:20:17 UTC  

Can you kill me now to make sure it's a true statistic

2017-12-07 21:20:18 UTC  

sharp elbow squad out here throwing bows

2017-12-07 21:20:35 UTC  

or when you hit your big toe on a sharp object

2017-12-07 21:20:42 UTC  

@Shrimpf I thought it was neurological though

2017-12-07 21:20:46 UTC  

or the big nail

2017-12-07 21:20:53 UTC  

or under the nail

2017-12-07 21:21:03 UTC  

Or do these physical problems occur as a result of their autism

2017-12-07 21:21:05 UTC  


2017-12-07 21:21:14 UTC  


2017-12-07 21:21:14 UTC  

It's neurological when you prefer not to go outside and have reduced pain capabilty

2017-12-07 21:21:20 UTC  

which one of you homos no longer has a gag reflex

2017-12-07 21:21:26 UTC  

People with autism tend to have epilepsy, gastronomical issues, heightened changes of cancer, heart diseases, cardiovascular diseases, etc

2017-12-07 21:21:51 UTC  

1/3th has epilepsy