Message from @Maw

Discord ID: 795734321947869265

2021-01-04 19:18:49 UTC  

Poll pads very intentionally connect to the internet and central voter data so that there is no fraud

2021-01-04 19:18:50 UTC  

He sounds like he's just the man for the job... We need a strong hand in Georgia to gas the Trump supporters at hard labor Creek State Park.

2021-01-04 19:18:53 UTC  

If he actually did it for one, two, he'd have to have done it to a machine in particular, among a swath of other various nuances.

2021-01-04 19:19:57 UTC  

Poll pads are not a dominion product

2021-01-04 19:20:00 UTC  

Why are we talking about the machines when his precise point was the ballots

2021-01-04 19:20:32 UTC  

Because some folks claimed his hacking claims never happened 😂🤷

2021-01-04 19:20:58 UTC  

93% adjudication seems fine nothing to see here...

2021-01-04 19:21:44 UTC  

The adjudication process is extremely secure in GA.

2021-01-04 19:22:01 UTC  

Been over this point multiple times.

2021-01-04 19:22:02 UTC  

Since they seemed to indicate being able to identify connections and packets, I'm guessing that the connection was encrypted. Connecting to a system can also mean many things. Connecting and having access to sensitive information are two different things.

2021-01-04 19:22:03 UTC  

Adjudication by humans especially during the dead of night is the best kind.

2021-01-04 19:22:04 UTC  

Acorting to whom @Maw?

2021-01-04 19:22:08 UTC  

The county verifies the voter data for checkins outside the dominion machines

2021-01-04 19:22:31 UTC  

It's also talking about whitelisted packet types and whitelisted in/out responses.

2021-01-04 19:22:59 UTC  

If he wins then I think it’s fair to say, we are surrounded by complete fucking lunatics...

2021-01-04 19:23:11 UTC  

E.g: It formulates a sort of API.

2021-01-04 19:23:24 UTC  

Which unknown data types are just dropped.

2021-01-04 19:23:30 UTC  

Just show the Ballots to everyone problem solved...

2021-01-04 19:23:49 UTC  

Lunatics are what's required in an initial Purge....

2021-01-04 19:24:06 UTC  

It's far more secure when whitelisted.

2021-01-04 19:24:08 UTC  

Lol show ballots to everyone solves what problem

2021-01-04 19:24:10 UTC  

In the second Purge lunatics are what's for dinner.

2021-01-04 19:24:26 UTC  

Well, this is true

2021-01-04 19:24:29 UTC  

According to their law.

2021-01-04 19:24:48 UTC  

who built the cages Joe?

2021-01-04 19:24:59 UTC  

Trump built the cages

2021-01-04 19:25:06 UTC  

No he didn’t @Dedkraken

2021-01-04 19:25:30 UTC  

He didn't, but you can argue he utilized them more.

2021-01-04 19:25:38 UTC  

And now that Trump supporters will be put in cages...

2021-01-04 19:25:45 UTC  

Bush and Trump had more immigration detention facilities after leaving office. Obama had fewer

2021-01-04 19:26:11 UTC  

By my count that makes Trump building the cages he filled

2021-01-04 19:26:46 UTC  

So the georgia senate voted unanimously on what new years eve.

2021-01-04 19:27:35 UTC  

The facilities Obama left were insufficient for zero tolerance. Thus the large expansion of “cages”

2021-01-04 19:28:11 UTC  

They were built under Obama for one purpose - short-term holding of individuals waiting for processing, usually less than 4 days. They were explored under Trump for the long-term incarceration of children who were forcibly removed from their parents.

2021-01-04 19:28:18 UTC  

The cages existed before Trump, so trying to say that Trump is the one that started it is mildly disingenuous imho.

2021-01-04 19:28:33 UTC  

But you can easily argue he utilized them more fully for sure.

2021-01-04 19:28:42 UTC  

And expanded them.

2021-01-04 19:28:59 UTC  

yea if you show all the ballots then nobody can manipulate that Fraud did or did not happen. 1/2 dont think the people behind them are not real peoples and the other 1/2 seems to think that is cool to play 3 card monty with the votes. Lets see the Ballots and we can know 100% whom is right or wrong...

2021-01-04 19:29:15 UTC  

He took office, assessed the detention facilities, found them insufficient, and signed an executive order building lots a new buildings.

2021-01-04 19:29:47 UTC  

This is covered under expansion and further utilization, yes.