Message from @leftingfighter33

Discord ID: 796513404588130304

2021-01-06 22:56:55 UTC  

yea our claims might have more merit. not that you would open your eyes to see but it is there if you look. if you can see the complaints are in fact some of the stuff you agree with but never if you just get stuck on hatred that you claim the other side has...

2021-01-06 22:56:55 UTC  

What is the definition?

2021-01-06 22:57:17 UTC  

@james j I think that's so easy way for you to rationalize your hatred.

2021-01-06 22:57:21 UTC  

you would think the "breaking and entering" part makes it self-defense

2021-01-06 22:57:21 UTC  

@ShittyKitty again I’m just analyzing the reason given by trump and Trump supporters

2021-01-06 22:57:31 UTC  
2021-01-06 22:57:48 UTC  

@james j I don't think the communism thing would be such a piece if you weren't coming after their firearms and their first amendment..

2021-01-06 22:57:59 UTC  

Condemning someone to death and enforcing the death penalty. This was someone breaking into a government building, well aware of the risks involved in doing so. It's tragic, but it's no execution.

2021-01-06 22:58:14 UTC  

Also I’m terms of merit 60 fails court cases had done away with that

2021-01-06 22:58:19 UTC  

You've basically stated previously that the backwards dumbass need to get with the time so on and so forth... @james j

2021-01-06 22:58:27 UTC  

This is what risks you take when you follow the lead of a violent mob.

2021-01-06 22:58:35 UTC  

Shot around the world tho

2021-01-06 22:59:01 UTC  

What actually happened with the shooting a cop shot some woman accidentally?

2021-01-06 22:59:03 UTC  

@busillis where in this conversation. I’m addressing the grand narrative espoused by Trump and his base

2021-01-06 22:59:20 UTC  

That is a very narrow definition.

2021-01-06 22:59:26 UTC  

yea try to reach over and take a real look at it dont just sit in an echo chamber.Then you might ask why without malice.

2021-01-06 22:59:27 UTC  

"backwards dumbass" ... did you need me for something? I thought I heard my name being called

2021-01-06 22:59:28 UTC  

They were shot once the mob reached the chambers where the guards were posted and holding up.

2021-01-06 22:59:37 UTC  

Executions are very specific.

2021-01-06 22:59:54 UTC  

If a cop stops somebody and just shots them I would count that as an execution.

2021-01-06 22:59:55 UTC  

@ShittyKitty again , direct words form trump supporters and trump. This is not guess work

2021-01-06 23:00:01 UTC  

@james j I'm just trying to point out some of the issues that they actually take with the left. People typically don't want their way of life upset.

2021-01-06 23:00:18 UTC  

@james j and that's what the left demands.

2021-01-06 23:00:29 UTC  

@busillis I know , yet they have been convinced communism is coming. For decades

2021-01-06 23:00:30 UTC  

Dont LEO says if u dont comply you will get shot .. there is a reason why

2021-01-06 23:00:36 UTC  

I mean, this didn't happen in a vacuum.

2021-01-06 23:00:59 UTC  

They didnt comply they the got shot

2021-01-06 23:01:04 UTC  

I would say if you kill an unarmed person that is an execution.
Floyd was executed for example.

2021-01-06 23:01:09 UTC  

This is a violent mob approaching people stuck guarding a room.

2021-01-06 23:01:43 UTC  

So even if they're choking you to death? Weird definition.

2021-01-06 23:02:08 UTC  

Or do you mean they literally have no arms?

2021-01-06 23:02:17 UTC  

$500 this is a staged color revolution on both sides with tribalism to distract.

2021-01-06 23:02:48 UTC  

yea when a conversation starts with you are as Racist as he is or Orange man bad that will never go well. maybe try a different approach and tell me why i should support the left. name some issues and find common ground. IDK just a thought bro

2021-01-06 23:02:51 UTC  

How is the stock market doing

2021-01-06 23:03:25 UTC  

@ShittyKitty where did I say any of that. That’s more crowder level talking points you already are primed to think by rwm

2021-01-06 23:03:26 UTC  

@leftingfighter33 so the cop executed Floyd by inducing a cardiac arrest? Weird way.

2021-01-06 23:04:13 UTC  

@ShittyKitty also this isn’t about supporting the left. It’s about trump supporters in general

2021-01-06 23:04:28 UTC  

Floyds countdown started before the police even arrived.

2021-01-06 23:04:33 UTC  

Totally agree with you here.

2021-01-06 23:04:37 UTC  

We have had non left wing supporters in the past