Message from @tomB63

Discord ID: 796702011637628959

2021-01-07 11:15:07 UTC  

And during the CHOP nonsense.

2021-01-07 11:15:09 UTC  

OK but it still is hard to see a motive for true conservatives to do this - they seemed entirely lost and without purpose once inside - and there was still hope that the objections might get traction - the final curtain had not yet come down - but Antifa could get lots of optical traction with this stunt trying to shame Trump

2021-01-07 11:15:50 UTC  

"True conservatives" my dude, many Trump supporters are actually mad that Trump said "Go home", it's not uncommon to have some pretty radical individuals in your movement.

2021-01-07 11:16:02 UTC  

This goes for any movement.

2021-01-07 11:16:19 UTC  

it was the almost revolution, just short on cohones

2021-01-07 11:16:22 UTC  

There is no "true conservative"

People can be idiots on a tuesday or a Friday. Some just happened to be idiots today.

2021-01-07 11:16:37 UTC  


2021-01-07 11:16:57 UTC  

fair enough - there are true believers who get wound up -

2021-01-07 11:18:09 UTC  

idk i think many are like me and think Trump is pretty much an idiot for not acting day 1, although the greatest president in modern era still... its beyond Trump bigly its about saving America

2021-01-07 11:19:47 UTC  

I think that people were pissed off because they felt like the irregularities in the election in November are being overlooked or ignored.. It makes them feel like the government is basically saying "You don't matter and we're not listening to you".. Classic, the water boiled over. I'm not saying that there should have been violence and I definitely don't like that 4 people died.

2021-01-07 11:20:13 UTC  


2021-01-07 11:20:28 UTC  

And admitting it is part of the solution.

2021-01-07 11:20:41 UTC  

Blaming it on your political opponents is part of the problem.

2021-01-07 11:20:48 UTC  

That goes for BLM too.

2021-01-07 11:20:49 UTC  

So wha you're sayin' is...

2021-01-07 11:20:56 UTC  

its blatant hypocrisy, 1 fake dossier and Russia stole an election, 1 fake phone call and impeach, mountains of evidence and the media says theres none, its a joke now

2021-01-07 11:20:57 UTC  

It was Biden's fault!

2021-01-07 11:20:57 UTC  

It was always ambiguous as to why Trump was calling everyone to DC on the 6th anyway? protest stop the steal? To celebrate the final release of the Kracken and Miltary arrests? but what did they (or he) expect people to do if things went south - of course they would be angry, and this fact could be made use of -

2021-01-07 11:22:56 UTC  


2021-01-07 11:25:52 UTC

2021-01-07 11:29:21 UTC  

So, Pelosi controls the DC police who allowed Antifa in?

2021-01-07 11:29:39 UTC  

the police and guard allowed them in the building, they could have actually done something pretty hardcore

2021-01-07 11:30:10 UTC  

Pelosi connection? found this on another site - not sure about it

2021-01-07 11:30:57 UTC  

the reports i saw was 3 busloads of antifa, about 100 of em

2021-01-07 11:32:22 UTC  

not sure it was just what i had read from ground reports

2021-01-07 11:34:00 UTC  

at this point it doesn't matter for narrative sake, the people in the building could be screaming I'M ANTIFA.... and the media would say uh uhhh...

2021-01-07 11:35:04 UTC  

i know a couple ppl that were there and said it was fairly peaceful even when they were inside, until some egged ppl on and broke windows out etc etc

2021-01-07 11:35:10 UTC  

one of the comments was: This is not DC, this is MN, weeks ago. Still good evidence though

2021-01-07 11:36:18 UTC  

What's the saying. At this point what difference does it make? Smh

2021-01-07 11:36:20 UTC  

Yes the left controls the popular narrative - propaganda - ministry of truth

2021-01-07 11:38:26 UTC  

the left wont stop until theres nothing left

2021-01-07 11:38:49 UTC  

I wonder if Pence will feel he has the unilateral power to do this? but it might be fake - hopefully

2021-01-07 11:39:05 UTC

2021-01-07 11:39:51 UTC  

commie globalist social justice division worldwide 2021, great reset back to concentration camps and gulags

2021-01-07 11:40:29 UTC  

something to look forward to

2021-01-07 11:46:39 UTC  

@Ghostdog, you just advanced to level 24!

2021-01-07 11:57:25 UTC  

pretty good 👍

2021-01-07 11:57:57 UTC  

I can’t believe the guy who won the election won the election