Message from @Onion
Discord ID: 796879908012949505
I don't think people should argue about homosexuality at all, whats wrong with it? If we stop arguing, we'll have ourself one less enemy
They push it on children. I think trans is worse tho in terms of destroying lives and brainwashing
especially with women
I don't think that is every gay person
like some just want to have their partner and be left to their lives
I think there is the political gay who are the issue
As long as they don't force people to do surgery, I am fine with it. We should united to fight the real enemy to democracy
It shouldn't be encouraged or celebrated. Gay pride shouldn't exist. All that stuff is psyop and supports degeneracy. Very very few gays act conservative, often they are promiscouis, unfaithful, have tens or hundreds of partners more than straights.
Tons of std and have orgies
While I agree with you Fish, the optics are hard at the moment
I guess it's not the most important issue at the moment, and I believe the root of the problem is the death of the family
Homosexuality is an indication of the destruction and decay of a society.
so if we could have strong homogenous society pro family and pro life and pro marriage, less degeneracy and women divorcing because they need to try out more dicks, and more strong men so they are less likely to divorce them for being weak. If we fix that we are going somehwere.
And bring back religion would fix those too
I merely support Trump because he is the only one we got against the globohomo control who is very pro degen
I support trump only because he’s at least not anti-white.
Tho he is kinda good troll too
I would like to hear from Trump himself, no proxy
i dont support trump because he gives people a place to place there anger / copes instead of finding the real causes of their problems
hes a giant bloviating distraction that steers people away from the JQ
I don’t think so
What I learnt from democracy is people is allowed to have different opinions, but freedom of expression must not be impeded.
He helped lead me to it.
He just won’t ever name it
It is literal suicide and I’m pretty sure he knows it
@BDubStunts you are a rare one then most trump supports use him as a reason to love isreal
But nowadays, our right of free speech is apparently infringed by Twitter and Facebook.
Without a trump presidency, I’d probably have still been conservitard. Many of my real life friends went down this same path
@liuyankit always has been and like before those platforms there was only the news and that was 100% controlled
we had a very short window before they cracked down
Nah he lead to there kinda...
With making people aware of the hostile media..
Tho he also shilled a lot for zog..
Still he started no new war
also he shilled for fox jews
Is the ItalyGate story gaining any traction?
and fox is possibly the worst because they are disgused