Message from @Spartazon
Discord ID: 796881469725081632
Trump conceding through a proxy is like breaking up over a text
hes a giant bloviating distraction that steers people away from the JQ
I don’t think so
What I learnt from democracy is people is allowed to have different opinions, but freedom of expression must not be impeded.
He helped lead me to it.
He just won’t ever name it
It is literal suicide and I’m pretty sure he knows it
@BDubStunts you are a rare one then most trump supports use him as a reason to love isreal
But nowadays, our right of free speech is apparently infringed by Twitter and Facebook.
Without a trump presidency, I’d probably have still been conservitard. Many of my real life friends went down this same path
@liuyankit always has been and like before those platforms there was only the news and that was 100% controlled
we had a very short window before they cracked down
Nah he lead to there kinda...
With making people aware of the hostile media..
Tho he also shilled a lot for zog..
Still he started no new war
also he shilled for fox jews
Is the ItalyGate story gaining any traction?
and fox is possibly the worst because they are disgused
always get a traitor before and enemy
I was pretty pessimistic about our corrupt government going into 2015-2016 primaries. Worried about the NWO, then Trump gave me hope, but maybe the NWO only is coming faster now
i had hope for trump until 2017
the charolottesville and syria bombings i was like
hes teh same shit with a organge skin
@Spartazon wth, where is that vid from? France? Recent?
What syria bombings?
when he bombed syria airbases and ended relations with russia
I got a screen tint so the green looked blue @Spartazon
when they did the fake gas attacks
But also based af?
He literal warned them no one died it was a old base..
With no planes in it
That was no real attack
he did it twice