Discord ID: 264960649048752129
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classic af
This is some good news
that tagging is starting to seem more like a false flag
I am kinda glad to see the proudboys/rightwing no longer trust the cops
wonder how this will affect the 6th
I know its not the same city or even state, but i feel like with the internet everything is everywhere for lack of a more articulate way of saying it. So the people in DC will know what happened and no longer trust the cops
I look forward to hearing about it. While I may be stuck in Canada it makes me hopeful to see people push back.
inb4 they blame trump for this
if you plan on going to DC bring food/water and a tent? lol
islam is trash
keep going Lin <:kek:689880730930642962>
because they enjoy the madness as much as I do.
i don't know if you can say _all jews_ declared war, there was the media push for them to do so but are you sure every jew felt that way?
Well that doesn't mean everyone, there are many anti-zionist jews out there.
Blacks issues in the US currently are due to the social ills that are built in to the welfare state. They've removed the men from their homes and replaced it with a welfare check. Their sons and daughters have lost their source of discipline , and intergenerational wealth
I mean one point of data, but you also get the bad side of things like
I wasn't trying to say that, I am saying that people left to their own devices can have what is the `black wallstreet` or they can have what is a never ending civil war
thats not until the 5th
๐ค not sure
This just makes sandy hook seem more fake
why not just not show his face
don't blame me I'm a leaf
Yeah JT is a fucking joke and the Cons are to fucking dumb to elect someone with some star power...
we're a 4 party system
Lib's and NDP suck each other off
because they are both left parties, ndp is like the socialist dems, and libs are like the dems
then there is the Green, they get a seat lol
Cons and the Bloc Quebec are the right wing party, but Bloc only operates in Quebec and only cares about french shit.
there is the People party of Canada but JT gave the media 6 million.... and well they are now the Nazi party
like my son was taught in school they are racist
they are just a nationalist party that wants capitalism
they want more personal rights, giving people the right to self defense, they wanted to get rid of the Native gov systems that are more or less killing their people
we can have them
just lots of rules and horse shit
and i can't use it to defend myself
if you have a restricted license you can have like ar's and sks's and ak's
but they are all limited to 5 rounds per mag/clip
also transporting guns is a pain too, trigger locks, ammo in a lock box...
I'm pro 2a, but its not going to relax here any time soon, the whole damn nation is so left its kinda depressing. ยฏ\_(ใ)_/ยฏ
me too
see there are aspects of the bloq i like, such as the whole protection of the culture
any attempt to preserve Anglo-Canadian culture is shit on now ๐ฆ
Libs be like `lets import like 10% of our current population with hella low skilled workers!`
^ <:thistbh:689862459477327908>
I just want it to be like the 90's where people with skills we needed came
and we tried to look after the people HERE ALREADY
Great reset inbound
my old boomer father is trying to tell me we need more immigrants for his pension. I wanted to slap him
Most our cities are near the US boarder anyhow, so you may as well keep em then just leave the rest as a park
damn China I didn't think fucking battle royal was a how to guide for training soldiers...
also could be fake and gay due to ntd :p
I'm in the `not sure` camp on its real-ness
top kek sir
this is a really good break down `their adopted children` <:HyperThink:690282185067856200>
looking like that <:kek:689880730930642962>
you could try and ask for all docs related to her dead name? but i doubt you'd get anything medical related that's all under HIPPA
she is prob just trolling
ummm... so WaPo is trying to smear trump again
yeah it is, and whats even funnier is that you can tell that Raffenspeberger made the recording based on the voice quality diff.
DC is it a one party state?
or is GA?
cuz... <:kek:689880730930642962> you may have a easy case here assuming one of them was in a two party state
it was bound to happen
yeah, well I thought AOC et al would have abstained but they cucked
`are you sure Brian?`
I am laughing my ass off here
totally I don't know how WaPo can even write anything else
I am feeling that too
Yeah dudes a smooth brain
like did the DNC think this would save them?
is it just me or does the cia thing seem like programming to like influence people to assume the CIA is great
or Lin's lost it?
but the 6 should be exciting
this living in two realities is really annoying.
like how do trannies do this?
live a lie
thats just q shit
also 2 weeks and 2~ days to go <:trolled:749729877002813602>
shit did pol meme the us to a civil war...
it truly is the dankest time line
it was in this thread, first post
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