Message from @mbarcy
Discord ID: 796681560702976062
Trump conceded
i love how the left's main issue is giving people healthcare and the right is mad they got banned from social media
equal priorities
REPEAL 230!!!
@mbarcy Thats all it is for sure!
Weak b8
fuck this bitch
@anti_prop taxes
Gatta love when the left bitches about freedom of speech when they love to restrict it
why do you guys simp for billionaires
why not just take their money
and give it to poor ppl
they re calling theirself antifa
holy fuck
but they use antifa method
>peasants burn down other peasants little stores
So badass and brave! Fuck the police, fuck the sytem!
>peasants march into the castle and make the nobility piss their pants
NOOOO this is so scary and despicable
Haha yeah
are you guys wiling to change your mind on white privilege
if presented with credible evidence
Are you willing to stop throwing weak b8?
Nah bro my white privilege card expired yesterday next week imma re new it
Didnt trump teargas blm protesters just to walk a few steps and hold up a bible?
And werent police officers taking selfies with lunatics breaking into a federal building
How far outside of reality can u be
remember that one time the national bureau of economics proved ppl with black names are less likely to be hired
seems pretty bad
Shhh they dont like facts
maybe we should do something
about this
i wonder why that is
Said by a liberal