Message from @Coolman3000
Discord ID: 796664639483543552
I fixed it
@TomOLarry its slang for asshole, you poor, poor sheltered soul
Oh really?? Wow thanks for telling me japan
Mainly in the lgbt+++++++ community
Boi you asked hoe
No no most are hold overs from the old version of this server
You forgot the j in jlgbtq+++++
Suck my nuts
J stands for journalists
lol what?
Idk maybe the gay army youve been holding
Wot is goin on here
Tom Larry come out of the closet
Oh. Congrats
@Void wants to @HaonTheDemonicAngel
Awww he's banned
anywhere else.
Lol doubt
Lol futtbucker
He got mad that Void didn't promote him
did any of you see anything on that?
Cause he sent Void his bussy
Probably went to mommy
That's fuckin wild
Don Lemon is so fucking stupid
And gay
Void is wild, didn't know he was into bussy <:smugpepe:445634631950139403>
yeah that but with a p instead of a b
Probably pulled the image from like page 10 of Google images
Cuomo: "They literally committed felonies."
Do you have fucking amnesia Cuomo??