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> Don't be a defeatist. 99% chance we have lost. But 99 is not 100.

Dude. stop.

We havenโ€™t lost anything. The media doesnโ€™t decide the president.

not even close. The media is running damage control.

remember president Gore?

thatโ€™s right. Take a chill pill.

Legal battles are ongoing. this is a psyop

Trump Did not lose the election.

Biden did.

There is a system in place for these things. let the system play out. all things one at a time.

70million people know that fraud was committed

and theyโ€™re quiet because theyโ€™re waiting on the system to do its thing.

so donโ€™t trust the media

chill out and let things be as they are.

Now, IF and thatโ€™s a big IF the system fails?

we cross that bridge when we get to it.

We Will Be Fine.

donโ€™t believe the hype.





that is the mediaโ€™s job

itโ€™s all satanic.

donโ€™t let the media play you.


because theyโ€™re splitting the american people.

you all know more tha then.

than them.

rest in your power.

weโ€™re gonna be ok.

When the optics of one thing are so bad, you wonder โ€œwhy would they possibly do that?โ€ itโ€™s because doing nothing at all, or the exact opposite would be worse.

thatโ€™s is Whittles Law.

So of course they had to try and steal the election.

theyโ€™ve got nothing.

you know it, i know it. everyone knows it.

donโ€™t believe the hype.

just as when all of those satanists were spamming Trumpโ€™s page wishing he died of Covid

the same thing is happening now.

theyโ€™re trying to distort and hold you i. mental and spiritual bondage.


donโ€™t give in.


let the courts do their thing

one step at a time.

calm down. geez

yep. tariq knows. everyone knows.

itโ€™s a set up for a snap back.

theyโ€™re going to say Trump stole the election.

when the courts rule in his favor

the whole election is rigged

Supreme Court coming in to shut this bullshit down.

there setting the narrative.

Crowder talked about this.

sheโ€™s sweet

@Practice no chance

is nevada still in play?

> Man...i got a feeling orange will look better than yellow on that guy
@EinnA Facts

Diamond And Silk are hosting a Prayer Session for GETOUS via right side broadcasting

Watch this everyone.

It is more important now, than it ever has been.

Weโ€™re going to win this culture war.

Weโ€™re going to get Trump back into the white house

and we are going to usher in a future brighter than we could ever imagine.

Weโ€™re gonna knock those commies into the ideological GULAG that they came from.

Believe it.

> I'm refreshing Fox News' facebook page. They are on average losing 7 followers a second ๐Ÿ˜‚
@Apollo GOOD.

They are traitors

> @Apollo it was 50+ a second this morning
@TheMousez Good.

> I think Judge Pirro got cancelled
@Ragnarok it didnโ€™t

> @Ragnarok it didnโ€™t
@Coolman3000 i mean it did

> This is what they're ordering be removed.
@Jin Send this to Bill Whittle.

send it to Bill Whittle ASAP

> @Jin Yeah you can stop project veritas links that have been out for a week on the most important topic of our time

is that even legal?

then there is nothing to worry about. itโ€™s a threat

> But it would be appealed for sure
@Ehzek that black guy is going to save all of our asses

> As long as I dont have to see it
@Ehzek whatโ€™s your problem with him?

yea thatโ€™s too much.

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