Message from @C4X3

Discord ID: 786333811172442142

2020-12-09 20:29:16 UTC  

Same thing here in france, it's lost guys France is gone. F
That's why you should stand against commies in the US what is going on in france and Canada should be an example

2020-12-09 20:29:34 UTC  

All of Western Europe

2020-12-09 20:29:55 UTC  

Yeah but France is the most fucked in western Europe

2020-12-09 20:34:15 UTC  

France is probably in worse shape than Canada even. It can be turned around, though

2020-12-09 20:37:48 UTC  

They had a chance on France with the yellow vest revolution. But they all got scared of covid

2020-12-09 20:38:23 UTC  

France bad? Ha! Atleast they have Macron who is doing _something_. Sweden is fucked. Really fucked. We have crime crisis, healthcare crises, housing crisis, integration crisis, immigration crisis, police crisis, school crisis... and then some more

2020-12-09 20:39:04 UTC  

Macron is doing *something*?

2020-12-09 20:40:23 UTC  

He has forces the mullahs to either sign a contract that they will accept and uphold french values and traditions. If they chose not to, they will be expelled.

2020-12-09 20:40:41 UTC  

if they break the contract, they will be expelled

2020-12-09 20:41:46 UTC  


2020-12-09 20:42:16 UTC  

Never thought macron had the balls to do something like that

2020-12-09 20:42:41 UTC  

Just reminding myself of what is happening all around the world makes me feel broken and powerless. Crises of all sorts everywhere

2020-12-09 20:42:48 UTC  

his back got pushed up against the wall after the beheading of that teacher

2020-12-09 20:43:11 UTC  

And that's ignoring this whole covid plandemic

2020-12-09 20:47:19 UTC  

aren’t y’all going through civil war

2020-12-09 20:48:22 UTC  

You’re never powerless with Jesus Christ on your side.

2020-12-09 20:48:43 UTC  

But you’ve gotta be on Jesus side. that’s the catch

2020-12-09 20:49:06 UTC  

Based and Christpilled

2020-12-09 20:49:19 UTC  

Also where you been Coolman, haven't seen you in awhile

2020-12-09 20:49:20 UTC  

I know, I was thinking just that as I was typing that, I just *feel* powerless from looking at the state of the world. However, I know we can and will pull through

2020-12-09 20:49:49 UTC  

If God is for us then who could ever stand against us

2020-12-09 20:49:50 UTC  

you must remember, “We don’t do things because we can’t. We don’t do because we *think* we can’t.

2020-12-09 20:50:09 UTC  

No force exists. God is the Be All End All

2020-12-09 20:50:15 UTC  

So, Fear Not.

2020-12-09 20:50:23 UTC  


2020-12-09 20:50:28 UTC  

isn't it fascinating how all the countries that have colossal amounts of migration also have a "housing crisis"? 🤔

2020-12-09 20:50:29 UTC  

Fear is “Devil Faith”

2020-12-09 20:50:34 UTC  

get rid of it

2020-12-09 20:51:14 UTC  

You’re created in the image of The Great and Powerful “I Am”

2020-12-09 20:51:34 UTC  

and you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.

2020-12-09 20:51:47 UTC  

So this notion... of you being small?

2020-12-09 20:51:50 UTC  

Really makes your noggin' joggin'

2020-12-09 20:51:52 UTC  

scrap it.

2020-12-09 20:51:55 UTC  

it’s satanic.

2020-12-09 20:52:16 UTC  

You’re more than powerful.
More than a conqueror.

2020-12-09 20:52:36 UTC  

You’re a Royal Priesthood. We’re a Chosen Generation

2020-12-09 20:52:48 UTC  

And We Are Going To Win This Fight.

2020-12-09 20:53:09 UTC  

50% of Toronto is born outside of Canada yet there's a "housing crisis" in Toronto... 🤔

2020-12-09 20:53:48 UTC

2020-12-09 20:54:19 UTC  


2020-12-09 20:58:14 UTC  

I wonder what the other four states in the union that aren't part of the Facebook anti trust suit.