Message from @Coolman3000

Discord ID: 796542302465425448

2021-01-07 00:46:11 UTC  

maybe another angry letter from ted cruz will stop this right?

2021-01-07 00:47:34 UTC  

pretty sure he cant do that

2021-01-07 00:47:38 UTC  

There must be a mass exodus from it

2021-01-07 00:47:49 UTC  

Let the left just sorta ferment in their own retardation on Twitter

2021-01-07 00:47:55 UTC  

So from MSNBC: Rep. McMorris Rodgers will not object the results.

2021-01-07 00:48:15 UTC  

He can once this vote is made he can be sworn in immediately

2021-01-07 00:48:24 UTC  

where is that written?

2021-01-07 00:49:28 UTC  

Did they plan to prior to the storming?

2021-01-07 00:49:37 UTC  

Basically there is no point objecting. The moment pence back stabbed us. It is all over

2021-01-07 00:49:45 UTC  

It is either rubicon or gulag

2021-01-07 00:50:06 UTC  

They did for Arizona but then was interrupted

2021-01-07 00:50:09 UTC  

If biden cucked him and palosi can remove trump. Remember that bill they passed to remove a sitting president unfit for office.

2021-01-07 00:50:45 UTC  


2021-01-07 00:50:54 UTC  

Then it's time to actually put up or shut up

2021-01-07 00:51:07 UTC  

Fuckin Rubicon now or this whole thing will just be a giant "we cucked ourselves even further"

2021-01-07 00:51:34 UTC  

This is getting funky i love whats going on. We need more tar and feathers

2021-01-07 00:53:21 UTC  

Secretary Pompeo: "The storming of the U.S. Capitol today is unacceptable. Lawlessness and rioting -- here or around the world -- is always unacceptable. I have travelled to many countries and always support the right of every human being to protest peacefully for their beliefs and their causes. But violence, putting at risk the safety of others including those tasked with providing security for all of us, is intolerable both at home and abroad. Let us swiftly bring justice to the criminals who engaged in this rioting. America is better than what we saw today at a place where I served as a member of Congress and saw firsthand democracy at its best."

2021-01-07 00:54:17 UTC  

But N can do worse and its ok...fuck our gov

2021-01-07 00:54:26 UTC  

Do none of these idiots understand that turning their nose up at these tactics is why we're here?

2021-01-07 00:54:43 UTC  


2021-01-07 00:54:44 UTC  

Taking the high road has done nothing

2021-01-07 00:55:40 UTC  

Twitter just locked trumps account and threatening to ban him

2021-01-07 00:56:09 UTC  

Twatter being twatter

2021-01-07 00:56:54 UTC  

the 25th would still leave with temporary president pence

2021-01-07 00:57:02 UTC  

Haven't felt this terrible since November 7th ngl

2021-01-07 00:57:08 UTC  

We take florida and georga capitols spread the word when it goes down that is where bodies are needed...the surrounding states will join us

2021-01-07 00:57:34 UTC  

yes, let's bow down to the national guard again

2021-01-07 00:58:30 UTC  

Each state guard will be under our control if we only leave republicans free to give orders

2021-01-07 00:59:34 UTC  

call up the militia's to stand with the people. pressure the republicans. call the guard off. force the police to be bureaucrats. demand justice.

2021-01-07 00:59:51 UTC  

if mike pence lust for the last few days of power , the 25th will be activated soon

2021-01-07 01:00:07 UTC  

I love how history gets thrown out the window. The USA was literally born from war and revolution, when it finally starts they’re terrorists? Wtf

2021-01-07 01:00:40 UTC  

Who cares what they call us victors wrote the history

2021-01-07 01:01:51 UTC  

Yeah they also try to make Trump supporters look like 3 year olds

2021-01-07 01:02:09 UTC  

Like bro shut the fuck up before you get Capitol'd in the ass

2021-01-07 01:02:32 UTC  

Florda & georgie if we make a stand it has to be us the advantage would say texas but land mass is to large and land locked

2021-01-07 01:02:33 UTC  

A single Trump supporter raid is more epic and meme-worthy than 10 Antifa raids

2021-01-07 01:03:05 UTC  

Imagine Vice headquarters getting rushed by Trump supporters the same way the Capitol got rushed

2021-01-07 01:03:21 UTC  

Just a big ol' red swarm

2021-01-07 01:03:28 UTC  

i dont think mental masturbation does us much good. we need some actual plan going forward

2021-01-07 01:03:44 UTC  

Anyone have trump deleted tweet