Message from @Ehzek
Discord ID: 775551762840551434
This is what they're ordering be removed.
i just formally WRECKED a canadian libcuck.
enjoy being Englands bitch even in the year 2020
lmao ^ blow that up and read it
> This is what they're ordering be removed.
@Jin Send this to Bill Whittle.
send it to Bill Whittle ASAP
> This is what they're ordering be removed.
@Jin Yeah you can stop project veritas links that have been out for a week on the most important topic of our time
oh yeah right, she is trying to stop a horse that has left the barn for sure, completely agree
is that even legal?
@Ragnarok is it?
1st amendment
then there is nothing to worry about. it’s a threat
I mean
I think a real AG would have cited a statute
But it would be appealed for sure
I've have enough of that black guy
Please srop
Nightmare fuel
Good use of Biden though
> But it would be appealed for sure
@Ehzek that black guy is going to save all of our asses
1st amendment + whistleblower
Hell, we're on a watchlist already so why not
As long as I dont have to see it
What's wrong with Clarence Thomas? He's on our side here, bruv
Let's not make enemies out of our friends, no?
> As long as I dont have to see it
@Ehzek what’s your problem with him?
LOL facebook purged my post about canada being english commonwealth
how sad
@Coolman3000 its a meme of a huge naked black guy with CTs face and Biden licking his dick from that ice cream meme