Message from @Niveron

Discord ID: 776431885625851946

2020-11-12 12:57:24 UTC  

I'm in the EU and I share the same sentiment.

2020-11-12 12:57:42 UTC  


2020-11-12 12:58:06 UTC  

EU is the future of the US if Chomo Joey gets his way with his fraud bullshit.

2020-11-12 12:58:13 UTC  

how true is it that we are losing votes on michigan recount?

2020-11-12 12:58:16 UTC  

or to be specific, Western EU.

2020-11-12 12:58:32 UTC  

Based Visegrad

2020-11-12 12:58:47 UTC  

because the eastern members just drink vodka and embezzle EU funds.

2020-11-12 12:59:20 UTC  

man fuck the european union. every country should have its own stuff, its own coin, its own everything, fuck fusing cultures

2020-11-12 12:59:30 UTC  

And it is not like they can toss them out either or change the veto rules, because they got each others backs

2020-11-12 12:59:33 UTC  

> how true is it that we are losing votes on michigan recount?
@The Crystal Scar [4 ever] i think MI is lost Trump's best chance is PA and AZ

2020-11-12 12:59:56 UTC  

cultures should fuse naturally not forced by policies

2020-11-12 13:00:04 UTC  

He doesn't need to win MI, just jam the process up so no verification can happen

2020-11-12 13:00:24 UTC  

> man fuck the european union. every country should have its own stuff, its own coin, its own everything, fuck fusing cultures
@The Crystal Scar [4 ever]
Some members are exempt from adopting the Euro. Denmark for example. Legostan voten on keeping the kroner.

2020-11-12 13:00:39 UTC  

Others were just told to adopt it.

2020-11-12 13:00:40 UTC  

Or convince the State Legislature that the vote was so odd that they award Trump the Electors

2020-11-12 13:01:06 UTC  

Some members of EUSSR also were told to shut down our NPPs

2020-11-12 13:01:09 UTC  

Yo yo my niggas

2020-11-12 13:01:12 UTC  

because muh atom bad

2020-11-12 13:01:57 UTC  

and now the same morons who did it, go apeshit that the new Belarus NPP is a ticking nuke. Which they also approved of, because international law.

2020-11-12 13:02:59 UTC  

@Niveron We talking about nuclear power?

2020-11-12 13:03:06 UTC  


2020-11-12 13:03:22 UTC  

some EU members upon joining had to decommision theirs.

2020-11-12 13:03:25 UTC  

Fucking boomers are all scared of it

2020-11-12 13:03:36 UTC  

treehuggers mostly.

2020-11-12 13:04:46 UTC  

And people don't understand that Chernobyl was a fucking soviet dumpster fire to begin with.

2020-11-12 13:05:06 UTC  

ukrainians are basically the ghetto blacks of Europe.

2020-11-12 13:05:17 UTC  

you don't give an ape a loaded gun.

2020-11-12 13:05:32 UTC  

I have a ukrainian friend. He's far from that.

2020-11-12 13:05:36 UTC  

It get's better.

2020-11-12 13:05:50 UTC  

Last year there were several fires in another ukrainian NPP.

2020-11-12 13:05:58 UTC  

we almost had a second chernobyl.

2020-11-12 13:06:12 UTC  

This is why we can't have nice things

2020-11-12 13:06:12 UTC  

Is your buddy born in the US?

2020-11-12 13:06:17 UTC  


2020-11-12 13:06:22 UTC  

Moved here when he was 5

2020-11-12 13:06:30 UTC  

ok, so still valid.

2020-11-12 13:06:41 UTC  

didn't had the indoctrination, and was raised proper.

2020-11-12 13:07:03 UTC  

He's half Russian

2020-11-12 13:07:06 UTC  

the ukrainians here are all obnoxious cunts.

2020-11-12 13:07:11 UTC  

idk why yall hatin on us from the EE like we are some niggas

2020-11-12 13:07:24 UTC  

I'm from EE too.