Message from @zNickMan

Discord ID: 776461006146371625

2020-11-12 13:20:54 UTC  

But the conservatism is kind of based

2020-11-12 13:29:44 UTC  

Every culture is better than the turks

2020-11-12 13:29:47 UTC  


2020-11-12 13:33:35 UTC

2020-11-12 13:38:27 UTC  


2020-11-12 14:05:06 UTC  

morning fellas

2020-11-12 14:13:35 UTC

Do not know how reliable this dude is because i have not heard of him, but if this is true, it is huge. It would, also, explain a lot

2020-11-12 14:28:47 UTC  

Posted this in the group. Just food for thought.
Just been thinking. Ya know it always seems the commies are always one step ahead. In the end they have infiltrated so many institutions and governments worldwide. It has been years of sneaking into our schools and colleges. They have guides, ie: Rules for Radicals, etc. Don't mistake this for blackpilling. I simply believe we are somewhat losing the war on the homefront much less globally. Trump was the closest we got to a push back since Reagan which is almost 30 years. And i'm die hard GET. I just think there needs to be concerted effort to come up with a plan/guide similar to Rules for Radicals. An intellectual manifest that works against the system they are using. Im not saying I am the person to come up with it but it seems its needed. I love memes and Pepe, and they are good and all. But we need to fight them in ways that negate what they are accomplishing. I really cant believe how many people Trump redpilled in his 4 years. It was astonishing to me. Anyways, just a thought on what needs to happen. Tldr; we need to come up with a way to fight back that negates the way leftists work, negating ie; Rules for Radicals.

2020-11-12 14:51:23 UTC  

etc. Don't mistake this for blackpilling. I simply believe we are somewhat losing the war on the homefront much less globally. Trump was the closest we got to a push back since Reagan which is almost 30 years. And i'm die hard GET. I just think there needs to be concerted effort to come up with a plan/guide similar to Rules for Radicals. An intellectual manifest that works against the system they are using. Im not saying I am the person to come up with it but it seems its needed. I love memes and Pepe, and they are good and all. But we need to fight them in ways that negate what they are accomplishing. I really hope cant believe how many people Trump redpilled in his 4 years. It was astonishing to me. Anyways, just a thought on what needs to happen. Tldr; we need to come up with a way to fight back that negates the way leftists work, negating ie;

2020-11-12 14:51:29 UTC  

Lol oops

2020-11-12 14:51:49 UTC  

I was trying to reply not make a novel in the reply

2020-11-12 14:52:05 UTC  

Yes the commies are here now

2020-11-12 14:52:23 UTC  

I'm a cold war vet, joined under Reagan

2020-11-12 14:53:44 UTC  

It's fucked up people are voting for these people.

Especially the businesses and sports who supported Black Lies Matter when their website still called for DISRUPTING FAMILIES and making COMMUNES to collectively care for each other.

2020-11-12 14:57:26 UTC

2020-11-12 14:57:49 UTC  

guys, is it ok to leave commies echo chambers? like facebook groups. because im getting tired of them and i know i am the disruptive voice in most of them, but im tired of arguing, it is endless and i feel alone in most of them.

2020-11-12 14:57:59 UTC  

Fact checkers try and water it down but those are two separate paragraphs

2020-11-12 14:58:26 UTC  

> guys, is it ok to leave commies echo chambers? like facebook groups. because im getting tired of them and i know i am the disruptive voice in most of them, but im tired of arguing, it is endless and i feel alone in most of them.
@The Crystal Scar [4 ever]

You aren't alone

2020-11-12 14:58:49 UTC  

Let's keep disrupting their commie circle jerk

2020-11-12 14:59:19 UTC  

i know im not alone in the world, we are many but where i am, i am pretty much overwhelmed by pseudo intelectuals that likes marx but have never grabbed a shovel or went out outside of their office/college

2020-11-12 14:59:34 UTC  


2020-11-12 14:59:41 UTC  

plus, places like facebook are on their side

2020-11-12 15:00:08 UTC  

Or worked in the chicken shit factory......

2020-11-12 15:00:25 UTC  

you cant be throwing facts that are disruptive, like some statistics, i've been banend for 30 days many tiems, and i use facebook for trading stuff and communicating

2020-11-12 15:00:44 UTC

2020-11-12 15:01:06 UTC  

cant afford to lose my account, i also have a big tech group (24k+ ppl) that i keep clean of communism, i purge them there

2020-11-12 15:01:19 UTC  

It was a post about a post office that burned in a wildfire lol

2020-11-12 15:01:47 UTC  

yeah they ban you for stupid things, and dont dare to say anything about women, because its over

2020-11-12 15:02:02 UTC  

"wamen lol" = ban

2020-11-12 15:02:32 UTC

2020-11-12 15:02:45 UTC  

any updates?

2020-11-12 15:04:26 UTC  

Haven't checked

2020-11-12 15:04:44 UTC  

I get my news dump in afternoon

2020-11-12 15:05:02 UTC  

why is GA and NC still counting

2020-11-12 15:05:17 UTC  

Ga was automatic

2020-11-12 15:05:19 UTC  


2020-11-12 15:05:37 UTC  

And has to be done by 20th

2020-11-12 15:05:59 UTC  

Yo ur telling me that people don’t find it suspicious at all that shady stuff happened in basically only battleground states that joe needed to win in order to reach 270

2020-11-12 15:06:14 UTC  

Like I really don’t even get how they’re still counting.