Message from @Niveron
Discord ID: 777918853484773396
Ah yes, almost forgot. Keep your eyes peeled boys
That's such a vague statement I find it hard to trust. It's a tactic palm reading uses vague statement everyone can ralate to and they will create there own narative. @Jin
I have two more people who would join us. Where is the invite link?
are you trying to piss me off?
Good editing
@Fifty5Grain that wouldn’t matter because then dems would just print the ballots they needed and we’d be in the same position.
Hey frens, can I get a quick rundown?
Rn the latest good news I heard was Joe Biden was no longer listed as the president-elect and it was made official by Congress
So that appears to be progress
Not sure if that guarantees Trump a W yet though
Man, can't wait to see how Media backtracks on their words now after declaring their president elect
haha tree go chop chop
Surprising, I thought I would get a Bog rundown
Strong patriotic speech by Alex Jones to thousands
Worst than E thots
about the same tier.
Hey everyone, can I get an F in the chat, my Australian state (South Australia) just started a lockdown
over 17 cases yesterday
@Upsidedownengineer haven't you guys been under house arrest for months?
That was Melbourne
anyhow, Victoria is the California of Australia, nobody with two or more braincells gives a fuck about them
Even Victorians hate Victoria
Didn't they ban those toy gel blaster guns?
Yeah that was us @TheMousez
> Every chick I've ever known named Victoria was hot as fuck
Girls are fine, referring to the state of Victoria on the other hand
Yeah, Adelaide Australia
Well, I know a Victoria that will break that chain
The whole country is cucked.
@Ragnarok , to the USA?
That's what I am planning on actually
@Upsidedownengineer you have greencard?
> @Upsidedownengineer you have greencard?
I should be able to qualify once I graduate from university