Message from @bpip9
Discord ID: 777909779993198612
you know
the things
Yeah those pricks are kinda hurting the Trump movement
and know
I have seen about 13 reports of officials getting arrested for fraud nobody higher up but campaign ppl and little guys, anyone hear about any big wigs going down? Probably squeezing the little guys to get info.
Remember. "Roses"
Ah yes, almost forgot. Keep your eyes peeled boys
That's such a vague statement I find it hard to trust. It's a tactic palm reading uses vague statement everyone can ralate to and they will create there own narative. @Jin
I have two more people who would join us. Where is the invite link?
are you trying to piss me off?
Good editing
@Fifty5Grain that wouldn’t matter because then dems would just print the ballots they needed and we’d be in the same position.
Hey frens, can I get a quick rundown?
Rn the latest good news I heard was Joe Biden was no longer listed as the president-elect and it was made official by Congress
So that appears to be progress
Not sure if that guarantees Trump a W yet though
Man, can't wait to see how Media backtracks on their words now after declaring their president elect
Surprising, I thought I would get a Bog rundown
Strong patriotic speech by Alex Jones to thousands
Worst than E thots
about the same tier.
same brain capacity too.
Hey everyone, can I get an F in the chat, my Australian state (South Australia) just started a lockdown
over 17 cases yesterday
@Upsidedownengineer haven't you guys been under house arrest for months?
That was Melbourne
anyhow, Victoria is the California of Australia, nobody with two or more braincells gives a fuck about them
Even Victorians hate Victoria
Didn't they ban those toy gel blaster guns?
Yeah that was us @TheMousez