Message from @🅱øg Wizard

Discord ID: 782017283609722940

What do you mean by violating equal protection clause?

such as holding some ballots to a different standards?

2020-11-27 22:31:06 UTC  

They were counting votes different. Holding the ballots in miami dade to a different standard than the rest of the state.

Do you think there will be violation under the equal protection clause as Rudy stated?

2020-11-27 22:32:36 UTC  

There already is?

2020-11-27 22:32:46 UTC  

Is it possible to make taco salad and not overload your plate?

2020-11-27 22:33:02 UTC  

There obviously is. My faith in the judicial system is somewhat wanting though.

Its not just faith. Its about evidence that they can prove in the judicial system

Where is the evidence?

I know they start counting in the day of night and they stated that they were going to be closing the election office

2020-11-27 22:35:41 UTC  

They coralled poll watchers into pens, there is video eveidence of that, and then they boarded up the windows so nobody could see in

2020-11-27 22:35:53 UTC  

also video evidence of that

2020-11-27 22:36:18 UTC  

In that time period hundreds of thousands of ballots were counted with no way of being challenged

2020-11-27 22:38:04 UTC  

Compared to 2016 we had HUNDREDS of thousands more mail in ballots. In 2016 the rejection rate was up in the 3-10% range with only tens of thousands of ballots. In 2020 the rejection rate dropped to <1% despite there being hundreds of thousands of ballots more.

There is a difference between being present and observating the ballots. And so the election offical had to change the rules to prevent people from getting any closer.

2020-11-27 22:39:48 UTC  

Their 'rule changing' also went against the constituion. The pennselvaniyan court doesn't have the power to change election rules, that goes to the state legislature, yet the PA court did anyway

The state legislature claim that they will not change the outcome of the election

The state legislature will attend Judy Guliani committe hearing

2020-11-27 22:55:41 UTC  

I’ve been in the woods. What have I missed?

2020-11-27 22:56:04 UTC  

PA gonna go to scotus

2020-11-27 22:57:29 UTC  

As I knew

2020-11-27 22:57:45 UTC  

Now its 'official'

2020-11-27 22:57:48 UTC  

Biden might as well go to the bunker

2020-11-27 22:57:54 UTC  

NV hearings soon

How will the Scotus going to rule this case?

2020-11-27 23:01:23 UTC  

Probably like how they ruled Cuomo's dictates

2020-11-27 23:01:46 UTC  

Same sellout too

2020-11-27 23:02:03 UTC  

Like this

2020-11-27 23:02:29 UTC  

Unless they completely cower to the deep state

2020-11-27 23:03:02 UTC  

👋👋👋The solicited ballot change in p.a was made nov2019 and cited covid 19 as the reason for it being read that again and think about it for a moment

2020-11-27 23:03:35 UTC  

They have to look at it like this.

They'll be threatened eitherway

2020-11-27 23:03:49 UTC  

4 of them will vote as they habe been paid off to vote. 5 will concider the evidence and the law then make a decision. How those 5 vote i dont yet know.

2020-11-27 23:03:58 UTC  

Either help give GET and the American people justice and the win

2020-11-27 23:04:12 UTC  

Or they cower to deep state and get epstein'd

2020-11-27 23:05:47 UTC  

Because if Biden wins, they'll get epstein'd by the mob anyway since 2 of them are appointed by Trump, one of them is Biden's natural enemy and the other ones simply got in their way

Is all of the states going to the supreme court?

Which state isn't

2020-11-27 23:06:33 UTC  

3 of them

They are more concerned about filling a vacancy then packing the supreme court

Its about how solid and strong the case is than just how judges cast their decisions

@Thomas Marik I heard the Amy Comney didn't have the time to analyze the illegality of Mail-in ballots before the election. A Decision like consitutional violation such as absentee deadlines and Equal protection clause will be ruled?