Message from @SilverWolf

Discord ID: 784614213549162526

2020-12-05 02:35:42 UTC  

idk how bad the protests in Lincoln were. I was too busy with the news of based rittenhouse to care tbh

2020-12-05 02:36:00 UTC  

Well im not even memeing here. There was some at the local parks. Nothing happened.

2020-12-05 02:36:43 UTC  

Like they were legit, actually exercising their rights and, surprise sur-fucking-prise, when there was no riot the cops didn't have to do anything.

2020-12-05 02:36:46 UTC  

Dunno if you guys saw that or not

2020-12-05 02:37:58 UTC  

I did. I just wonder what it's going to do if they actually find something if the GOP RINOS are going to cuck.

2020-12-05 02:38:22 UTC  

If they do its their funeral

2020-12-05 02:38:35 UTC  

Yeah, but then it's all our funerals.

2020-12-05 02:39:17 UTC  

yet to be seen

2020-12-05 02:41:45 UTC  

I'm more concerned that all the liberal cultural bullshit is going to dig in, more Dem FBI, DOJ, CIA members who are going to crack down on our day to day freedoms slowly. I am not worried that he will get his stupid AR tax in if worse case scenario we are betrayed at every level. Even the RINOs aren't that dumb. it's just the small cuts

2020-12-05 02:42:07 UTC  

I'm not blackpilling, I just need to vent a bit more lol

2020-12-05 02:42:16 UTC  


2020-12-05 02:42:38 UTC  

venting is aight

2020-12-05 02:43:19 UTC  

I don't view airing concerns as blackpilling. I'm sure im not the only one who has them, Im just vocal on here.

2020-12-05 02:43:42 UTC  

I vent to my friends all the time lmao

2020-12-05 02:44:06 UTC  

And one day maybe the big gamer himself will notice me and i'll get to go on InfoWars too lol

2020-12-05 02:44:54 UTC  

Notice me sempai-alex uwu

2020-12-05 02:45:41 UTC  


2020-12-05 02:46:17 UTC  


2020-12-05 02:47:20 UTC  


2020-12-05 02:56:45 UTC  

I feel like there should be a 4th, there's Tom, Tim, Nick, although Tim's a tad older than me and so much older than Tom and Nick, but I feel like there's a 4th zoomer millennial reporter that I'm missing

2020-12-05 02:57:38 UTC  


2020-12-05 02:58:02 UTC  

Tom Pappert, Tim Pool, Nick Fuentes

2020-12-05 02:58:17 UTC  


2020-12-05 02:58:25 UTC  

Liberal Hivemind?

2020-12-05 02:59:01 UTC  


2020-12-05 03:00:04 UTC  

'liberal Hivemind' A channel solely focused on exposing the abundant hypocrisy of the left

2020-12-05 03:16:21 UTC  

Oh I love when my internet is out till 1:30am

2020-12-05 03:16:35 UTC  


2020-12-05 03:18:33 UTC  

I work a full shift and come home and I can’t even watch Absolute Mad Lads on my TV

2020-12-05 03:31:39 UTC  

MI secretary deleting data?
Fuckin crook

2020-12-05 03:38:22 UTC  

Fucking kidding me

2020-12-05 03:45:07 UTC  

Its a big club and you aint in it

2020-12-05 03:45:19 UTC  

The republicans want to be extincted

2020-12-05 03:45:30 UTC  

Its what a self hating cuck does

2020-12-05 03:48:46 UTC  

how interesting that lawsuits can just be dismissed, no matter the evidence

2020-12-05 03:49:13 UTC  

just as dems simply drop all the charges against violent rioters... just let em go, never press charges.

2020-12-05 03:51:03 UTC  

They should rot in jail

2020-12-05 03:53:43 UTC  

It's just a symbolic throwing out of shit to gain popularity.
It's going to supreme court

2020-12-05 03:57:08 UTC  

Wasn't that lawsuit also asking them to shift the entire election results to Trump? Can't read any epoc times articles.