Message from @Chiang Kai-Shek

Discord ID: 785626262400008202

2020-12-07 21:04:25 UTC  

Very wide implications of use for us

2020-12-07 21:45:09 UTC  

So how's progress? I know what's going on in PA and AZ, mostly, but haven't heard anything from MI, NV, or WI in a while other than hearings are supposed to happen sometime in WI

2020-12-07 21:46:46 UTC  

Also GA is a shit show to the point i don't know wtf.

2020-12-07 21:49:55 UTC  

I despise nucleur

2020-12-07 21:50:51 UTC  

y tho

2020-12-07 21:52:09 UTC  

Because almost all of our plants are outdated. Most are meant to run for 40 years and then be rebuilt and most of them are leaking. An example is Chernobyl on the Hudson its called

2020-12-07 21:52:21 UTC  

And when it goes really bad they blow up

2020-12-07 21:53:24 UTC  

they don't blow up unless it's in a soviet shithole

2020-12-07 21:53:47 UTC  

Three mile island?

2020-12-07 21:53:56 UTC  

They're unbelievably more energy efficient than coal plants

2020-12-07 21:54:16 UTC  

Yeah nuclear is fine

2020-12-07 21:54:20 UTC  

Yeah until you get crazy executives who don’t give a shit about safety anymore

2020-12-07 21:54:25 UTC  

Dems just won't stop blocking it

2020-12-07 21:55:28 UTC  

with nuclear, safety is always going to be a top priority

2020-12-07 21:55:37 UTC  

One gram of uranium can provide as much energy as... what was it, a ton of coal?

2020-12-07 21:55:50 UTC  


2020-12-07 21:56:37 UTC  

Nuclear very danger

2020-12-07 21:56:39 UTC  

Like deep sea horizon was? I know its an oil rig, but the example still stands. The executives were crazy

2020-12-07 21:56:57 UTC  

Big concern is security

2020-12-07 21:57:56 UTC  

people who run nuclear power plants know the risks and take the necessary precautions if they ever want to get their shit approved for production

2020-12-07 21:58:17 UTC  

Taiwan was interested in nuclear but too risky for espionage

2020-12-07 21:58:28 UTC  

I aint even worried about terror attacks You see that ball of fire in the sky? All it has to do is hit us with an electronic pulse fry everything and when the diesel generators run out of fuel they start exploding like pimples

2020-12-07 21:58:32 UTC  

fucking china 😂

2020-12-07 21:58:42 UTC  

I would fear western plants would be targeted

2020-12-07 21:59:16 UTC  

Very sad. They ruin so many thing here

2020-12-07 21:59:57 UTC  

I much rather use Coal in the end because i know its not going to irradiate me

2020-12-07 22:00:59 UTC  

In b4 I need to explain scrubbers. 🙃

2020-12-07 22:01:09 UTC  

it's easier to contain solid nuclear waste safely in a silo vs trying to contain fossil fuel waste that gets dumped into the atmosphere

2020-12-07 22:03:05 UTC  

Our coal plants are the cleanest plants in the world because of our scrubber technology. They emit nothing but water vapor

2020-12-07 22:03:20 UTC  

pretty sure there are mutual unofficial official agreements to not bomb nuclear power plants just as there are mutual agreements not to use nuclear warfare unless some shithead country breaks the pact

2020-12-07 22:03:55 UTC  

which in that case said country would end up as a crater

2020-12-07 22:04:17 UTC  

Implying treaties would be given single consideration when the warheads fly

2020-12-07 22:04:44 UTC  

There is no point in bombing a reactor if you have nukes

2020-12-07 22:04:59 UTC  

any country that uses nuclear warheads knows they'll get nuked off the fucking map by all other countries

2020-12-07 22:05:16 UTC  

Reactors are just as safe as coal

2020-12-07 22:05:41 UTC  

The US hasn't had a problem since 3MI like 30 years ago

2020-12-07 22:06:03 UTC  

Except for leaking but lets ignore that

2020-12-07 22:06:14 UTC  

Also why do they build them on top of fault lines?

2020-12-07 22:06:15 UTC  

Last real problem was the one in japan

2020-12-07 22:06:28 UTC  

because japan is covered in faultlines

2020-12-07 22:06:41 UTC  

Theres a plant in California that is literally built on top of a fault line