Message from @TheMousez

Discord ID: 791118868512899082

2020-12-23 00:20:47 UTC  

Trump just popped off about the ''''''''covid relief'''''''' bill <#778734245765709844>

2020-12-23 00:27:23 UTC  

don't forget that the $600 is for several months

2020-12-23 00:28:36 UTC  

Damn bro a months rent in exchange for 10 months of being out of work

2020-12-23 00:31:53 UTC  

Damn I loved that ending

2020-12-23 00:34:53 UTC  

I'm sure the ((interest)) on the borrowed printed money from the ((banks)) won't indebt the nation forever <:OMgood:784586129101946901>

2020-12-23 00:53:39 UTC  

GET is about to dunk that bill in the trash

2020-12-23 00:54:49 UTC  

Sounds like he wants all 900b to go to the citizens

2020-12-23 00:58:20 UTC  

As it should. All that money was made BY citizens. And by all rights it shoult be returmed back to them

2020-12-23 01:04:08 UTC  
2020-12-23 01:04:16 UTC  


2020-12-23 01:10:06 UTC  

What a fucking chad

2020-12-23 01:28:06 UTC  

Trump's BASED

2020-12-23 01:28:14 UTC  

He's going to win

2020-12-23 01:28:32 UTC  


2020-12-23 01:29:17 UTC  


2020-12-23 01:36:31 UTC  

remember lads, you aren't even worth a vote to them because they can steal every election now

2020-12-23 01:42:24 UTC  

I just read McConnell and Schumer reached a deal to prevent Trump from vetoing?

2020-12-23 01:43:12 UTC  

Just saw trump said fuck the covid bill

2020-12-23 01:43:33 UTC  

They can't stop Trump from vetoing

2020-12-23 01:43:48 UTC  


2020-12-23 01:43:56 UTC  

But they can undo the veto after

2020-12-23 01:44:31 UTC  


2020-12-23 01:44:48 UTC  

But the American people will see what they're doing

2020-12-23 01:50:28 UTC  

Media will spin it against him

2020-12-23 01:50:35 UTC  

Just like always

2020-12-23 01:57:36 UTC  

Yep. they never bothered to report all the times pelosi and the dems shot down all the previous stimulus bills, but will attack Trump if he tries to veto theirs

2020-12-23 02:15:15 UTC  


2020-12-23 02:15:17 UTC  


2020-12-23 02:15:36 UTC  

**This claim about election fraud is disputed**

2020-12-23 02:19:16 UTC  

No kidding?

2020-12-23 02:21:34 UTC  

Ill tell you something funny

2020-12-23 02:21:58 UTC  

People actually think pelosi tried getting it all through, while republicans blocked it.

2020-12-23 02:23:28 UTC  

Ok bitches, I have an idea that our people really fucking need right now as a propaganda piece, but I don't have the ability to produce it.

2020-12-23 02:23:46 UTC  

Shit I can't attach pics in this channel lmao

2020-12-23 02:23:54 UTC  

Too much newb

2020-12-23 02:24:24 UTC  

@Carlclausewitz <#778707569392746516>

2020-12-23 02:25:00 UTC  


2020-12-23 02:25:02 UTC  

For information about COVID-19, visit

2020-12-23 02:40:47 UTC  

Trump can veto but if you get a super majority I think they can overturn veto

2020-12-23 02:42:01 UTC  

yes 2/3rds of both house of representatives and senate, which is usually very difficult

2020-12-23 03:05:14 UTC  

You know if Trump does get the deal for the stimulus 2000 dollars is 2000 dollars. I will use it for camping supplies and ammunition