Message from @Großadmiral61
Discord ID: 791834029711818752
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all of you.
Merry Christmas 🎄
I'm willing to bet that a good chunk of those countries that would've received aid from that relief bill have probably expressed anti-American sentiment in the past
Especially Pakistan
The best way to receive foreign aid is to shout "death to america"
Fr tho those countries should not be getting a dime
Find it really insulting they even had the audacity to send it to the GEOTUS's desk.
go to <#791485662938791946> & vote on the damn weeb chat. We need to get this show on the roll.. use the ✅
Btw, voting no is a shity way to have all the weeb shit posted in general from now on
Should just let us keep it in one place
Your choices are to let us have our own little place. Or suffer the constant weeb spam here
38 to 9 is not enough?
secretly dump votes with alts rig it like the election @TheMousez
oh really
They don't realize that they're literally voting no to a channel that keeps us from posting it in general chat for all to see
Ok, weeb chat established. That's that.
Any Pence Card happenings? I thought something had a deadline of midnight tonight, but I’m barely keeping up.
No, pence is a traitor. Should of done that shit a while ago.
Pence is a piece of shit that looks like he betrayed us.
Don't rely on him for anything
Again, people are itching for results to the point that we're turning on each other.
I would reserve my judgement
Also, ya'll see GET and FLOTUS message? GET seems very stressed. He seemed to have lost a bit of weight as well
Well, everyone he helped turned on him
He realized the swamp goes deeper than he thought & they were using him
RINO scumbags
Politics is mostly self serving within the den of swine. He is the chemo to the cancer that is the swamp
"Denying the holocaust threatens democracy. So does denying the election results."
-The Washington Post
Merry Christmas and Happy Holocaust!
I'm not a very religious individual. But I pray for more strength for him to get through this and prevail for the sake of the American people.
The 6th boys
I wait eagerly for the day when all the Dems bullshit falls on them like a thousand bolders
And a Merry Christmas to you all. Specially to those that are still holding the line. And those that abandoned their watch...
We'll pick the slack up for you
Never understood why people deny the holocaust, wasn't there personally but I hear good things.
I hear they had fun playing games and such in their bunkers and jacuzzi-like baths and showers so good that they never wanted to leave
Fellow gamers, I wish you well this Christmas Eve. Hopefully you get to spend it or tomorrow with family. Now I'm going to do the family tradition of reading The Night Before Christmas to the family. Hope you all have traditions that you observe on defiance of Marxism
I have the tradition of sleeping in
Tradition is tradition