Message from @BIRDzone

Discord ID: 434493062530596884

2018-04-13 23:16:38 UTC  

@BIRDzone you can make a changa where you basically take your extract and allow it to dry on a lead substrate

2018-04-13 23:16:48 UTC  

thats how i smoked my salvia

2018-04-13 23:16:52 UTC  

does it have replaceable battery btw

2018-04-13 23:16:55 UTC  

i wouldnt reccomend it tho

2018-04-13 23:16:57 UTC  

crazy shit

2018-04-13 23:17:13 UTC  

@BIRDzone not replaceable far as i can tell but probably easy to open and swap

2018-04-13 23:17:18 UTC  


2018-04-13 23:17:31 UTC  

also salvia is terrifying

2018-04-13 23:17:38 UTC  

stick to the illegal psyches

2018-04-13 23:17:47 UTC  

thats how u know theyre good

2018-04-13 23:17:52 UTC  


2018-04-13 23:18:14 UTC  

alright shes ready

2018-04-13 23:18:38 UTC  

wtf it vibrates

2018-04-13 23:18:42 UTC  


2018-04-13 23:19:07 UTC  

take her for a spin

2018-04-13 23:19:09 UTC  


2018-04-13 23:19:22 UTC  


2018-04-13 23:19:28 UTC  


2018-04-13 23:19:47 UTC  

pretty device tho

2018-04-13 23:20:11 UTC  

yeah i like it

2018-04-13 23:20:18 UTC  

what are the other settings on the screen for

2018-04-13 23:20:24 UTC  

I assume different temp?

2018-04-13 23:20:30 UTC  


2018-04-13 23:20:30 UTC  

nice big oven

2018-04-13 23:20:47 UTC  


2018-04-13 23:20:52 UTC  

fill it up

2018-04-13 23:21:42 UTC  

huh would it be smart to wait till 4/20 and then buy it

2018-04-13 23:21:54 UTC  

maybe they'll have some sale or smth

2018-04-13 23:23:07 UTC  


2018-04-13 23:23:11 UTC  

aight here goes

2018-04-13 23:24:01 UTC  

@sum >people actually had hope for it because speailburg rented his name ti it

2018-04-13 23:24:28 UTC  

As soon as I first saw ads and how they were advertising with "VIDEO GAMES" I took a big nope

2018-04-13 23:25:03 UTC  

@BIRDzone make it yourself, everything you do should be preparation for learing enough from other people so you never need to talk to anyone again

2018-04-13 23:26:31 UTC  

make what myself

2018-04-13 23:26:35 UTC  

A vape

2018-04-13 23:26:40 UTC  


2018-04-13 23:26:52 UTC  

thatd be hard

2018-04-13 23:27:58 UTC  

Most componants are off the shelf, hell you can probably even buy a preprogramed PID in kelvin, the hipsters who charge a markup.

2018-04-13 23:28:40 UTC  

I know there are people who do that, I've seen diy vape boxes before

2018-04-13 23:28:52 UTC  

I'm a talentless bastard though