Message from @Clare P

Discord ID: 795796115135791105

2021-01-04 10:55:53 UTC  

Th@Lloyd Owen yeah. Here we sre

2021-01-04 14:36:11 UTC  

Morning everyone

2021-01-04 14:36:50 UTC  


2021-01-04 14:36:51 UTC

2021-01-04 15:24:43 UTC  

Morning/afternoon Meme King πŸ‘‘

2021-01-04 15:51:41 UTC  

Good morning/afternoon!

2021-01-04 16:02:52 UTC  

Afternoon, how's you? Looking forward to the live streaming later on

2021-01-04 16:09:12 UTC  

I’m good. Anticipating what will come this week and praying for a righteous result!

2021-01-04 16:12:23 UTC  

Me too. I still have the same feeling of calm as I did in 2016 before his inauguration. Just can't shake the feeling that all will be well and that God will display the power of His Right Hand in 2021 with Trump's re-election. The world and America just cannot go back after this. No way

2021-01-04 16:15:51 UTC  

Not as calm as I was in 2016. Either way the end of this week won’t be calm here. Historic, but I’m not betting on calm. Afraid either way the next couple of weeks here will be a bit chaotic. Praying it will be bloodless and short lived. Of course also praying the end result will bless us in the long term.

2021-01-04 16:17:16 UTC  

It will no matter what happens. Calm before the storm maybe but all will be well if it is God's Holy Will <:emojitrump2020:786404253098442773>

2021-01-04 16:17:32 UTC  

Amen and praise be!

2021-01-04 16:39:59 UTC  

Howdy! I've said from day-one President Trump as a 70% chance of being Re-elected using the 12th amendment. Wednesday will prove me right!

The 30% is because of the RINO's - you just can't trust them!πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡² <:emojitrump2020:786404253098442773>

2021-01-04 17:09:56 UTC  
2021-01-04 19:47:09 UTC  

We are LIVE!!! Trump Rally Time

2021-01-04 23:24:37 UTC  

@Clare P actually liked a meme of mine... There's hope for you yet

2021-01-04 23:25:37 UTC  

Excuse me Phillip. lol Not just a pretty face hereπŸ˜‡

2021-01-04 23:25:51 UTC  

It's just BORIS

2021-01-04 23:26:06 UTC  


2021-01-04 23:26:38 UTC  

I've sent you that meme before

2021-01-04 23:29:39 UTC  

No you didn't. I've an excellent memory 🐘

2021-01-04 23:34:39 UTC  

Stand corrected Phil lol

2021-01-04 23:36:26 UTC  

Wait a minute...
Did I just win a argument with a woman???

2021-01-04 23:36:45 UTC  

This day shall be remembered in honor of all men

2021-01-04 23:37:23 UTC  

No, you received an apology from a lady lol πŸ˜‡

2021-01-04 23:38:17 UTC  

An admission of guilt...

2021-01-04 23:38:27 UTC  

This day shall be recorded in history

2021-01-04 23:39:19 UTC  


2021-01-04 23:39:55 UTC  

Whatever. men always exaggerate everything πŸ”Ž

2021-01-04 23:40:19 UTC  

We don't have much... Let us have this

2021-01-04 23:40:47 UTC  

True Phil. Ok. the smallest of victories

2021-01-04 23:41:32 UTC  

We'll be bragging about this achievement for the next 6 months over beers with the guys

2021-01-04 23:42:53 UTC  

a Virtual lads night out 🍻

2021-01-04 23:43:16 UTC  

Lads... Love the British idioms

2021-01-04 23:43:46 UTC  

So swank

2021-01-04 23:44:58 UTC  

Funny how things are forgotten or remembered on purpose

2021-01-04 23:45:15 UTC  

All of those who hate america so much for so little...

2021-01-04 23:46:07 UTC  

And yet america and brittan have the worst history... All of which is buried in the past and neither of us dig up

2021-01-04 23:46:40 UTC  

If we could get over it... Why can't others?

2021-01-04 23:46:54 UTC  

After all, America is because of Brittan

2021-01-04 23:47:16 UTC  

I'm not British Phil but I get what you are saying. Ireland never had any beef with the States