Message from @✨Skolander✨
Discord ID: 795045830809223188
I remember the time when my friend Danny brought sprite cranberries to school,
Some nigga piece of shit came up
Grabbed one without saying anything
And just walked away
Fucking average black thief
@Jake Statefarm I don’t give a fuck
My ex is a skinhead. And was very rude.
Ok nigga
Im scared
you guys should meet scandinavian blacks
%warn @Jake Statefarm Bypass
**Bright#4811** has been warned, this is their 10th warning.
Get blacked
Jeez, dude
wtf what
Nigga is not allowed anymore????
I didn’t see that..
proves the point
Fucking this time this year I’ve been kicked
Classic said that the rules were being more thoroughly enforced.
@Al <3 dude the n word isn’t a warn
maybe stop giving racists weapons
That’s not what I was told, man. Bypasses are warns.
I didn’t bypass
What point? I was literally inactive.
Nigga ain’t against the rules
@Al <3 the point that words are not dangerous
nigga is not hard r retard
you literally didn't notice, and no one was hurt.
This is why you don’t give women power
White women that is
there was no effect of you not noticing
It’s not against the rules it’s only against the rules when you say the hard r
you could stop noticing altogether, and nothing would change