Message from @Creampie
Discord ID: 795722604090490900
what the fuck
A central
the american state is bourgeois and cringe
yea im saying thats not true they arent centrists
Cuck boy loves his state daddies
you're literally braindead
libertarians are far from fucking centrists
The only thing we've done better than animals is being organized and co-operative
@evelyn if i think your mental state is that of a ten year old, and you are in fact 14, that does not make you look intelligent
@Jacques de Chan what if the state declares you have to lick their knobs every day?
liberalism is the anti thesis to this
its not centrist
at all
plez i am not being srs
the current american state sucks
Which state doesn’t @Jacques de Chan
ive done nothing 2 them evr
yea she is based but im saying that shes not centrist
my ideal state integrating the american nation into one cohesive unit to advance our collective interests as white americans?
that's the state i want
i got u mamas
I would never vote for a woman tho lol
You just look and seem retarded @evelyn so im bullying you about it
what are u doing to her
White Americans
"statism is when you like what the state does"
leave my bes fren alone
holy shit
the libertarian philosophy is not centrist its incredibly anti government and pro markets @Creampie
The majority of white Americans are working class retards
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I Am Very Autistic ]
Oh now it makes sense
How Do I Look Retarded You Have Never Seen Me Ever