Message from @Femtendo 64
Discord ID: 795723333349670942
she’s getting mad
Thats why im an aristocrat @Jacques de Chan
hi Getting Very Pissed Off
I Put A Lot Of Effort Into T
But I believe in market socialism
ur a simp for black cock
<3 Women
@seagull she is retarded start calling her names
no she’s my bes fren
For 1 you didnt even have a R in subscribe
@Jacques de Chan cope <:emoji_75:771477695430393916>
yeah she has a degradation fetish
she isn’t retarded stfu
she’s educated😋
Socialist must read
america needs to come back, brutal and violent
I Will Prove I Am Smart
In Vc
Under whose state @Jacques de Chan
Join Vc It Is Proof
Good luck
the state of me and my people
imagine thinking u have the right to legislate laws
my back hurts
so much
@Jacques de Chan you really think you can achieve that?
Im not doing vc rn
Stop Sleeping On The Floor
You replied to yourself
If you sleep on a flat surface like a floor it'll cure your back pain on the contrary
@Femtendo 64 welcome! Please read the <#779467856160227328> and get some <#779470202734903297>, enjoy Political Sensation!
i want a state where blacks finally return to being kings