Message from @亜當

Discord ID: 769335972360880129

2020-10-21 02:27:15 UTC  

@Dark Rose who would you date. Me or Japheth?

2020-10-21 02:35:03 UTC  

Lol cmon

2020-10-21 02:36:02 UTC  

I see you were typing

2020-10-21 17:35:37 UTC  

Humans are just like stars

2020-10-21 17:36:10 UTC  

We have a type of energy we have that glows the same. There is a link between them.

2020-10-21 17:36:32 UTC  

Something to think about

2020-10-21 17:38:44 UTC  

Even though we tried to create our own rules as a human society on earth, it still abides by the laws of entropy and natural chaos.

2020-10-21 17:40:10 UTC  

That is what your god is. The entity that first created matter.

2020-10-21 17:41:44 UTC  

Blackholes can simply be a way of absorbing data on a galactic scale. Like an RNA slicing into the DNA and altering it.

2020-10-22 20:54:16 UTC  


2020-10-23 03:11:04 UTC

2020-10-23 23:08:02 UTC  

the camera man is not messing up causing the moving. He is floating around with his magical power.

2020-10-23 23:56:21 UTC  

Jesse needs to have Reverend X on The Fallen State

2020-10-24 00:17:56 UTC

2020-10-24 00:31:30 UTC

2020-10-24 00:41:07 UTC  

really Zeus is pretty trash though, too much of a manslut

2020-10-24 00:42:20 UTC  

funny enough there is a case where Zeus gives birth in the hellenist lore

2020-10-24 00:43:39 UTC

2020-10-24 00:44:44 UTC  

Homeric Hymn to Athena

I begin to sing of Pallas Athene, the glorious goddess, bright-eyed, inventive, unbending of heart, pure virgin, saviour of cities, courageous, Tritogeneia. From his awful head wise Zeus himself bare her arrayed in warlike arms of flashing gold, and awe seized all the gods as they gazed. But Athena sprang quickly from the immortal head and stood before Zeus who holds the aegis, shaking a sharp spear: great Olympus began to reel horribly at the might of the bright-eyed goddess, and earth round about cried fearfully, and the sea was moved and tossed with dark waves, while foam burst forth suddenly: the bright Son of Hyperion stopped his swift-footed horses a long while, until the maiden Pallas Athene had stripped the heavenly armour from her immortal shoulders. And wise Zeus was glad.
And so hail to you, daughter of Zeus who holds the aegis! Now I will remember you and another song as well.

2020-10-24 00:50:41 UTC

2020-10-24 00:50:49 UTC  

damnit Paris you picked the wrong one

2020-10-24 03:21:46 UTC 😨

2020-10-25 17:06:13 UTC  
2020-10-25 17:17:49 UTC  

trans twitter is a weird place

2020-10-25 17:21:46 UTC  

People beg for money for the silliest reasons. To beg for money for an operation to change what nature created you as is sickening. They should be ashamed of themselves. So selfish. People have to worry about staying alive and eating. People have real problems in life.