Message from @Japheth

Discord ID: 743252002871443557

2020-08-12 18:16:55 UTC Nothing says justice for criminal blats with drugs running through their body like terrorizing families with sick children.

2020-08-12 18:40:10 UTC
From Willie Brown to Obama to the White House, look how this most ruthless Black Widow has spun her web

2020-08-12 18:41:05 UTC  

"The difference is that Harris is the only one who, after I helped her, sent word that I would be indicted if I 'so much as jaywalked' while she was D.A.,” Brown wrote. "That's politics for ya."

2020-08-12 18:41:18 UTC  

"Whether you agree or disagree with the system, I did the work," Harris said in a 2003 interview with SF Weekly.

2020-08-12 18:41:25 UTC  

Ruthless a/f

2020-08-12 18:51:39 UTC
And what about the cuck she is fakemarried to one may wonder? Started as an affair with a married man too!

2020-08-12 18:51:52 UTC  

The ruthless Black Widow homewreckin' her way to the White House!

2020-08-12 18:58:17 UTC

2020-08-12 19:17:43 UTC

2020-08-12 19:32:03 UTC

2020-08-12 19:36:46 UTC

2020-08-12 19:40:43 UTC  

I'm telling you the ultimate Black Widow, even got Montel!

2020-08-12 19:42:03 UTC  

Williams spent close to a decade in the US Navy before being honorably discharged in 1989. He was then in the reserves for another seven years.

He was commissioned as a naval officer during that time, and would often be deployed on submarines during his time in the service.

Williams came under fire for comments he made about Republican Michele Bachmann back in 2009, which he later said were meant as a joke.

The relationship between the two was a brief one, and by the following year Williams was seen at events with a new lady love while Harris was preparing to launch her successful campaign for District Attorney of San Francisco.

Williams would go on to marry third wife Tara Folwer in 2006, while Harris settled down in 2014 with Douglas Emhoff.

2020-08-12 19:46:10 UTC

2020-08-12 19:51:22 UTC

2020-08-12 20:13:58 UTC  

The Left is very much cognizant of the Black Widow's ways, Babylon's daughters rise to the defense to pre-empt the truth

2020-08-12 20:14:06 UTC  


2020-08-12 23:38:06 UTC  

To beat this whore of whores you gotta get down and fight in the gutter. This is now the battle, throw the light of truth on all her dark whoredoms

2020-08-13 12:39:50 UTC  


2020-08-14 01:23:53 UTC  


2020-08-14 08:47:31 UTC
Hwhite women are the most evil demographic. Bad news, the evil hwhite single moms, the shieldmaiden's of Satan's evil army trying to push the son away from the father and turn em gay with crazy drugs and abominations. Mindful this Karen has a fucking doctorate! Make the hwhite man pay and it gets more salacious, this bitch is fullblown Aldous Huxley and might not even be the real mother since she claims she had the kids via in vitro. Oh thisBrave New World and all the shitty people in it!

2020-08-14 08:48:34 UTC  

interesting commentary from one of the melanted pplz with common sense

2020-08-14 08:52:59 UTC  

"Dr, Georgulas actually admitted in court that she is not the biological mother of James and his twin brother Jude. She used in-vitro fertilization with a donor egg.

Texas Governor Gregg Abbott announced last fall that the Texas Attorney General’s Office and the Texas Department of Family and Protective Services were looking into the horrific case involving James Younger and his abusive mother who is working to castrate her son.

2020-08-14 08:53:19 UTC  

A video of James Younger when he was only 3 years old surfaced revealing that his mother put dresses on him and painted his fingernails when the child was just an infant!

The abuse from the mother all started because James liked a toy from the movie ‘Frozen’ meant for little girls. It is totally normal for little boys to play with girls toys; it does not mean they want to be castrated and ‘transition’ into a girl.

When asked if he was a boy or a girl, James, then only 3 years old answered, “girl.”
He said his mom told him he’s a girl.

Now Jeffrey Younger is being forced to pay his ex-wife $5,000 a month to pay for his son’s “transition” and counseling in addition to a $10,000 retainer required by the counselor.

Judge Mary Brown issued the order without a proper hearing."

2020-08-14 08:54:15 UTC  

Lol Female judge, figured that one before I even finished reading. Fuck Babylon's kingdom is pathetic, Mother of Whores and Abominations.

2020-08-14 08:55:50 UTC  

Should they even refer to this insane level Karen, this lieutanant of Satan's army as the kid's mother even?! Holy hell she admitted in a court of law she's not even really his mother! A whole shitpile of lies one on top of the other!

2020-08-14 08:57:27 UTC  

And the cuck ass governor can do nothing but sit by and watch? Damn wtf happened to Texas?

2020-08-14 09:02:22 UTC  

Man and the guy has to pay for the imposter mom to do all this evil stuff plus pay for some quacks to further lie to the boy. Ruthless a/f

2020-08-14 12:05:32 UTC  

Time to make our own coronavirus!

2020-08-14 12:06:51 UTC  

2020-08-14 12:07:07 UTC  

2020-08-14 12:07:58 UTC  

damnit TAR BABY bot why are you such a thug among bots? A white man is trying to quote an article here!

2020-08-14 12:10:34 UTC  

probably a conspiracy theory by the TAR BABY Bot to suppress the CCP Virus news, but read the article, the human testing will be fun, first you must have a control group then you must release it into the wild of the evil public to see what happens. Pretty big drug making companies involved! Yay science

2020-08-14 12:24:43 UTC  

And in Blatt Widow news, my goodness just look at her go! Kamala turning up the ghetto accent in here, she going full ratchet