Message from @Japheth

Discord ID: 753192075100422204

2020-09-07 22:01:29 UTC
President Trump has officially endorsed foxy and intelligent Kim Klacik in her spartan-like struggle to save Baltimore from Democrat Party negligence and corruption

2020-09-08 05:44:10 UTC  

you know what to do

2020-09-08 12:36:23 UTC  

Fascism time!

2020-09-08 19:58:26 UTC
This explains the 🔥 wow look before they delete

2020-09-09 05:18:46 UTC  

They need to stick to cutting off their genitalia, not innocent animals.

2020-09-09 05:19:27 UTC  

<:PepeTux:494352827611611148> <:MAGA:480430976477036554>

2020-09-09 05:34:18 UTC  

Cutting their dick off isn't something you would encourage in a society but i get what you saying

2020-09-09 09:25:04 UTC
"The San Diego State University researchers noted that although restrictions on large-scale gatherings are “ubiquitous,” there has been “little empirical evidence on the contagion dangers.” They previously analyzed the effects of Black Lives Matter protests and President Trump’s Tulsa rally. Neither caused significant increased spread of the virus, they concluded, possibly because those events were offset by increases in other residents staying home."

2020-09-09 09:25:42 UTC  

Having a motorcyclist rally = you are literally a biolgical weapons terrorist superspreader of covid

2020-09-09 09:25:58 UTC  

Having a BLM riot = no problems here

2020-09-09 09:29:54 UTC  

Really make one wonder if the coronavirus itself is in fact a social justice warrior

2020-09-09 09:35:43 UTC
Certified traitor John Kerry, the architect of the greatest piece of treason committed so far in this century, the Iran Deal, which gave the foreign enemy regime material and moral support to continue its funding of terrorism and nuclear ambitions, castigates President Trump for the DNC's newest hearsay hoax that they themselves made up

2020-09-09 09:36:11 UTC  

Mindful John Kerry's "sacrifice" was shooting himself in the fucking foot literally

2020-09-09 09:39:51 UTC
Californians please stay in your shtity state that you yourselves made shitty. Ya'll don't have values, even your conservatives are pretty much just disgusting whores that only jumped on the bandwagon to seem edgy. Californians have no real concept of conservative principles and their deeds prove them. Please stay in your shitty conquered coastal state, don't move to ours.

2020-09-09 09:48:22 UTC
"Kanye West won’t be on the presidential ballot in Arizona, though he qualified in Mississippi. A federal judge said Texas couldn’t discard mail-in ballots without giving voters a chance to respond. And House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said President Donald Trump welcomes Russian interference in the election."

2020-09-09 09:49:01 UTC  

Democrats working very hard to suppress the only black man running for President this year. As a bonus, their mail-in voting fraud scam on the other hand is just fine

2020-09-09 09:58:03 UTC  

President Trump has a long history of exposing the degenerate fucking shithole that is Maryland. Truly as one whom has spent much time in Maryland myself I can testify that it is truly the East Coast's California, a land of degenerate whores, hordes of foreign nationals, and is disgustingly filthy. If anything Trump has been soft on them.

2020-09-09 10:25:46 UTC
"Indian military officials dispute China’s account of the latest incident in the Himalayan border region, maintaining instead that it was China that violated a 1996 agreement that banned the firing of weapons forces on either side of the unofficial boundary line. The confrontation was instigated by Chinese forces who came equipped with “rods, spears, clubs and sharp weapons,” according to Indian authorities who released a photo appearing to show the crude armaments."

2020-09-09 10:28:18 UTC  

In the mostly uncovered real news, the China-India Conflict that has broken out this year takes another turn as both sides claim the other fired gunshots at the other. For context, throughout the spring and summer the two nations have been clashing with eachother and China has even occupied a small portion of India and also the nation of Nepal. Though there has been no battles with guns up to this point, the two sides have physically fought eachother throughout the year using melee weapons and hand-to-hand combat

2020-09-09 10:35:22 UTC
A bear with a box on its head infiltrates a Turkish base! Humorous coincidence or auspicious poetic omen at treacherous Turkey's pivot to Russia?

2020-09-09 10:45:09 UTC  

President Trump sagely starts new rounds of sanctions and blacklisting against Lebanon's corrupt elite following the devastation of Beirut after the secret Hezbollah weapons depot which exploded and levelled much of the city. For context one must remember that Lebanon is run by Hezbollah, their official government being nothing more than a facade for the infamous muslim death cult.

2020-09-10 03:05:00 UTC  

we're in hell

2020-09-10 07:21:28 UTC

2020-09-10 07:33:12 UTC  
2020-09-10 11:35:12 UTC  

A young girl torn between two cultures tries to find her place in the coming-of-age Netflix movie condemned sight unseen by many online.

2020-09-11 06:43:50 UTC  

wasnt it directed by a jew?

2020-09-11 06:44:24 UTC  

no idea, literally am just now reading about this on this article

2020-09-11 06:45:13 UTC  

on a forum we've been talking about it for a month now

2020-09-11 06:45:40 UTC  

oh wow it's been out that long? i thought it was something that is new, i don't watch TV much anymore

2020-09-11 06:46:30 UTC  

the forum is a funny place. most things are political so every film ends up getting talked about politics

2020-09-11 06:46:59 UTC  

ah i see, it seems very obvious political propagnda to me by this article