Message from @Japheth

Discord ID: 753868851384418304

2020-09-09 09:48:22 UTC
"Kanye West won’t be on the presidential ballot in Arizona, though he qualified in Mississippi. A federal judge said Texas couldn’t discard mail-in ballots without giving voters a chance to respond. And House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said President Donald Trump welcomes Russian interference in the election."

2020-09-09 09:49:01 UTC  

Democrats working very hard to suppress the only black man running for President this year. As a bonus, their mail-in voting fraud scam on the other hand is just fine

2020-09-09 09:58:03 UTC  

President Trump has a long history of exposing the degenerate fucking shithole that is Maryland. Truly as one whom has spent much time in Maryland myself I can testify that it is truly the East Coast's California, a land of degenerate whores, hordes of foreign nationals, and is disgustingly filthy. If anything Trump has been soft on them.

2020-09-09 10:25:46 UTC
"Indian military officials dispute China’s account of the latest incident in the Himalayan border region, maintaining instead that it was China that violated a 1996 agreement that banned the firing of weapons forces on either side of the unofficial boundary line. The confrontation was instigated by Chinese forces who came equipped with “rods, spears, clubs and sharp weapons,” according to Indian authorities who released a photo appearing to show the crude armaments."

2020-09-09 10:28:18 UTC  

In the mostly uncovered real news, the China-India Conflict that has broken out this year takes another turn as both sides claim the other fired gunshots at the other. For context, throughout the spring and summer the two nations have been clashing with eachother and China has even occupied a small portion of India and also the nation of Nepal. Though there has been no battles with guns up to this point, the two sides have physically fought eachother throughout the year using melee weapons and hand-to-hand combat

2020-09-09 10:35:22 UTC
A bear with a box on its head infiltrates a Turkish base! Humorous coincidence or auspicious poetic omen at treacherous Turkey's pivot to Russia?

2020-09-09 10:45:09 UTC  

President Trump sagely starts new rounds of sanctions and blacklisting against Lebanon's corrupt elite following the devastation of Beirut after the secret Hezbollah weapons depot which exploded and levelled much of the city. For context one must remember that Lebanon is run by Hezbollah, their official government being nothing more than a facade for the infamous muslim death cult.

2020-09-10 03:05:00 UTC  

we're in hell

2020-09-10 07:21:28 UTC

2020-09-10 07:33:12 UTC  
2020-09-10 11:35:12 UTC  

A young girl torn between two cultures tries to find her place in the coming-of-age Netflix movie condemned sight unseen by many online.

2020-09-11 06:43:50 UTC  

wasnt it directed by a jew?

2020-09-11 06:44:24 UTC  

no idea, literally am just now reading about this on this article

2020-09-11 06:45:13 UTC  

on a forum we've been talking about it for a month now

2020-09-11 06:45:40 UTC  

oh wow it's been out that long? i thought it was something that is new, i don't watch TV much anymore

2020-09-11 06:46:30 UTC  

the forum is a funny place. most things are political so every film ends up getting talked about politics

2020-09-11 06:46:59 UTC  

ah i see, it seems very obvious political propagnda to me by this article

2020-09-11 06:48:35 UTC  

"Though she knows she wants an abortion, the reality of getting one is harder than she realized: the movie is set in Missouri, where the closest provider that doesn’t require parental permission is 1,000 miles away in Albuquerque."

2020-09-11 06:49:17 UTC  

this seemed an interesting point to me as it shows the angle the left is taking, now they're not even happy with abortion being legal but want to remove parental consent so that teens can have abortions and freedom to be whores

2020-09-11 06:49:35 UTC  

just use a coat hanger

2020-09-11 06:49:49 UTC  

thats essential what a doctor does

2020-09-11 06:50:02 UTC  

well jsut don't sleep around realyl should be the first thing said to this society

2020-09-11 06:50:16 UTC  

and then if you do, stay with that person and onyl that person for life

2020-09-11 06:50:49 UTC  

had a former colleague that tried, but they ended up separating.

2020-09-11 06:51:00 UTC  

but they share custody and are still friendly

2020-09-11 06:51:42 UTC  

it amazes me how little loyalty and love exist in these generations, yet i look at my grandparents and great grandparents and they had children very young, but stayed together and did not sleep with multiple people

2020-09-11 06:52:18 UTC  

she grew up as a foster child. glad shes happier these days and did well for herself

2020-09-11 06:52:33 UTC  

ah yea the foster children are notoriously messed up

2020-09-11 06:53:42 UTC  

i think after knowing people that were foster kids and from when my dad used to work for CPS and seeign that side of it, that it be better for the kids to stay with their parents even if their parents are messed up

2020-09-11 06:54:02 UTC  

the State realyl is a poor substitute for a parent, even worse than fake step parents

2020-09-11 06:56:11 UTC  

i think like JLP often reminds that the child needs their real parent, particularly their real father. even if the parent is bad, just knowing them helps bring some inner peace and sense of security

2020-09-11 06:58:10 UTC  

well let's see what else we can dig up in the news

2020-09-11 07:00:44 UTC
"Illegal immigrants will be included in the 2020 census count used to determine congressional seats, a federal court ruled in a rebuke to President Trump.

The court ruled on Thursday that President Trump's directive to exclude U.S. residents living in the country illegally from the specific census count that allocates congressional seats violates federal law, according to CNN.

The court granted a permanent injunction blocking the rule but did not decide if the president's July memorandum is unconstitutional.

"We declare the Presidential Memorandum to be an unlawful exercise of the authority granted to the President by statute," the three-judge panel unanimously ruled."

2020-09-11 07:01:51 UTC  

Pretty blatant treason here. Their position is essentialyl that foreign nationals should be allowed to influence and usurp America from the rightful citizen

2020-09-11 07:07:04 UTC
" India and China issued a joint statement over an ongoing border dispute in the Himalayas, calling for dialogue and disengagement to ease tensions between the nuclear-armed rivals.
It came after foreign ministers from both countries met at the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation meeting in Moscow on Thursday."