Message from @Trey

Discord ID: 754119501380976741

2020-09-11 06:51:42 UTC  

it amazes me how little loyalty and love exist in these generations, yet i look at my grandparents and great grandparents and they had children very young, but stayed together and did not sleep with multiple people

2020-09-11 06:52:18 UTC  

she grew up as a foster child. glad shes happier these days and did well for herself

2020-09-11 06:52:33 UTC  

ah yea the foster children are notoriously messed up

2020-09-11 06:53:42 UTC  

i think after knowing people that were foster kids and from when my dad used to work for CPS and seeign that side of it, that it be better for the kids to stay with their parents even if their parents are messed up

2020-09-11 06:54:02 UTC  

the State realyl is a poor substitute for a parent, even worse than fake step parents

2020-09-11 06:56:11 UTC  

i think like JLP often reminds that the child needs their real parent, particularly their real father. even if the parent is bad, just knowing them helps bring some inner peace and sense of security

2020-09-11 06:58:10 UTC  

well let's see what else we can dig up in the news

2020-09-11 07:00:44 UTC
"Illegal immigrants will be included in the 2020 census count used to determine congressional seats, a federal court ruled in a rebuke to President Trump.

The court ruled on Thursday that President Trump's directive to exclude U.S. residents living in the country illegally from the specific census count that allocates congressional seats violates federal law, according to CNN.

The court granted a permanent injunction blocking the rule but did not decide if the president's July memorandum is unconstitutional.

"We declare the Presidential Memorandum to be an unlawful exercise of the authority granted to the President by statute," the three-judge panel unanimously ruled."

2020-09-11 07:01:51 UTC  

Pretty blatant treason here. Their position is essentialyl that foreign nationals should be allowed to influence and usurp America from the rightful citizen

2020-09-11 07:07:04 UTC
" India and China issued a joint statement over an ongoing border dispute in the Himalayas, calling for dialogue and disengagement to ease tensions between the nuclear-armed rivals.
It came after foreign ministers from both countries met at the sidelines of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation meeting in Moscow on Thursday."

2020-09-11 07:08:22 UTC  

some minor talks with no real promsies given about the India-China conflict this year encouraging a cooldown of the tense conflict. Though it is a good gesture, no real plans to turn down the tensions were made

2020-09-11 07:16:27 UTC  

The EU threatens to sue the UK unless they scrap their Brexit plans. A very sly attempt to force Britain to submit to "international law" and come back crawling to the globalists

2020-09-11 07:27:04 UTC
And to remember 9/11 we remember that the deadly combination of globalism and the islamic religion were behind the 9/11 terrorist attacks. 9/11 was done specifically because of Islam and all the 9/11 hijackers were foreigners that the globalists foolishly allowed into the country

2020-09-11 20:46:01 UTC  

If anyone is interested, this guy on twitter has quite the thread about Netflix and its pedo enablers

2020-09-11 23:16:51 UTC  

A fairly hilarious article where a female that graduated from Harvard was incessantly triggered by Kimberley Guilfoyle calling America "her" and so somehow out of only one word extrapolated an entire article's worth of bitching

2020-09-11 23:19:56 UTC  

"Feminizing the nation is a trope that scholars of hate speech and historians will recognize. Hallmarks of “dangerous speech,” meaning hate speech that incites violence, include attacks on the purity of a group and threats against its women and girls. This tactic is powerful because it is difficult to ignore a warning of violence against those who are traditionally viewed as vulnerable. Calling America a “she” may emphasize that type of vulnerability. It implies America’s traditions, way of life, honor and ideals are under attack."

2020-09-11 23:22:02 UTC  

"never forget who we are"

2020-09-11 23:28:57 UTC  

Because it just wouldn't be 9/11 anniversary without the treacherous globalists telling us we're islamophobes on the day when their foreign lovers, all muslim foreign nationals, attacked the USA at the directive of an islamic warrior specifically because of islam

2020-09-11 23:42:45 UTC  

also let us not forget on 9/11/2012 the treacherous Obama-Biden administration left our soldiers, CIA agents, and a US ambasaador to die and also again like all treacherous globalists, blamed US for their foreign muslim lovers' actions

2020-09-11 23:43:20 UTC  

I'd note Clinton, Obama, and Biden still have never been held accountable for this grievous betrayal

2020-09-12 20:48:34 UTC  

Some possible good news here, maybe the talks between the Indian and Chinese ministers have produced some fruit as China is rumored to be releasing five of India's intelligence agents that were captured

2020-09-13 05:29:06 UTC  

Very controversially a white man will stand up for Murica

2020-09-13 06:17:06 UTC  

this is crazy

2020-09-13 06:17:58 UTC  

satire is literally impossible nowadays

2020-09-14 04:49:11 UTC  

"Democrats are already meeting to wargame what might happen if Trump wins in a narrow margin. Leaked strategy sessions suggest Democrats do not trust voters, under our current system, to select the president. In one campaign discussion, the former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta was playing Biden and called for the governors to send their own delegations of electors in any states that Trump wins by a narrow margin. Such comments reflect recent comments from Clinton that Biden should just not “under any circumstances” concede the election.

Wargame scenarios also tie in issues like the potential role of the military. One does not need a crystal ball to understand how the articles based on anonymous sources about Trump allegedly demeaning service members could be an attempt to shift the narrative in the case of an unclear result. If Democrats seek to nullify the result of this election with such a nuclear option, it would mark the largest political crisis since the Civil War. For all the traditions which Trump has been accused of breaking, none could be even remotely close to what would amount to a revolution.

Democrats have their fingers on the button to destroy one of the pillars of democracy. They destroyed the filibuster in 2013 with their nuclear option to confirm nominations from Barack Obama. Mitch McConnell at the time said the Democrats would regret it. Four years later, Republicans used the same deal to confirm Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court. Democrats are playing with fire and, much like seven years ago, both their party and the United States will suffer if they decide to press the button."