Message from @Japheth

Discord ID: 755954689375469608

2020-09-16 23:16:06 UTC  

guess his rival underestimated how little the people in the churches actually believe in the Bible

2020-09-16 23:21:13 UTC  

The media subtly gives their angle on the Black Widow strategy

2020-09-16 23:34:17 UTC  

Spanic witches and wizards go full blown Harry Potter to cast magical spells over Biden and Trump. Move over Russia there's a whole new dimension of foreign election influence!

2020-09-16 23:43:59 UTC  

Good Old Boy Adelson, one of Murica's longest conservative billionaire caste figures coming to bat to offset Bloomberg and Soros big plays that they made lately

2020-09-16 23:55:20 UTC
And the election's actual major black male candidate Kanye West's campaign picks up a little of a platform as Kanye tells his staff to not be whores. Poor Kanye his heart is too good for the Swamp is more like an ancient Roman brothel

2020-09-16 23:57:32 UTC  

lol one to admit his weaknesses, Kanye cites being a Gemini as a potential pitfall to his campaign, but also the reason he might more officially run next cycle (and if this election cycle is any indicator after Trump and many others retire it's quite possible he could be the pick of the litter as both party's benches will be severely depleted)

2020-09-17 00:14:42 UTC  

Wicked Gabrielle Union admits she is a psychotic jezebel spirit which she is using to try to destroy D Wade's children (whom are not her children). JLP called that one from a mile away!

2020-09-17 00:15:53 UTC  

"Union said that when it comes to Kaavia and Zaya, both she and Wade, 38, are "on the same page" in terms of how to parent them. However, with their two 18-year-old boys, Union admits she can be more intense.

"With the 18-year-olds I am the psychotic, overbearing, 'What are you doing now?' kind of parent and my husband is like, 'Whatever, they are going to figure it out,' " Union explained. "So I'm learning to kind of let go."

2020-09-17 00:20:32 UTC  

Unsurprisingly China seeing that their intelligence apparatus is being dismantled lately has triggered the back doors they put in to all the businesses and groups that literally and metaphorically whored themselves out to China. Fleecing all their lovers as the increasingly desperate CCP spirals out of control

2020-09-17 00:30:59 UTC  

Lol this article just amused me to no end. There's a literal cat sitting market....what the?! And cats of all domestic animals can look after themselves, wow, just wow. Where are these insanely rich people that pay you to literally just stare at wall?

2020-09-17 00:38:19 UTC  

Syrian sycophants piss and moan over the fact their disgusting despot Animal Assad is on the Blacklist of powerful and evil world figures

2020-09-17 00:49:51 UTC  

Lol American woman decides to go get trashed in Germany and ends up accused of infecting the town lol

2020-09-17 00:55:40 UTC  

And for the headline of today, Shinzo Abe has stepped down as PM of Japan and has been replaced. This is notable as Abe lasted a long time. For context the Japanese Prime Ministers before him were famous for last a few years before either resigning or being politically couped before ever serving out their terms

2020-09-17 07:50:31 UTC  

Get ready for the next big cartoon series which is putting up no pretenses about normalizing Satanism

2020-09-17 07:52:21 UTC  

Bet you can never guess what demogrphic they're targetting here

2020-09-17 07:52:24 UTC  

"Standout projects included “Belzebubs” – one of the eleven teen/ adult pitches at Cartoon Forum this year – a thirteen-part family sitcom with a satanic twist and a black metal soundtrack.

Comprising 22-minute episodes, the black-and-white, 2D series frames itself as a documentary that explores “your average devil-worshipping family next door.”

Characters include dad Sloth, who hasn’t given up his dream of death metal stardom; his breadwinning photographer wife Lucyfer and their two teen children, Lilith and Leviathan."

2020-09-17 09:30:11 UTC  
2020-09-17 13:06:21 UTC

2020-09-17 13:07:10 UTC  

Good old Julius Caesar

2020-09-17 13:07:28 UTC  

as Jupiter

2020-09-17 13:07:55 UTC  

yea the Roman pagans were something

2020-09-17 13:08:03 UTC  

hwhite history

2020-09-17 13:11:57 UTC

2020-09-17 13:12:29 UTC  

lol his hair looks good there

2020-09-17 13:13:24 UTC  

they make fun of him, but it's over their heads

2020-09-17 13:14:12 UTC  

it's okay to make fun of Trump just as logn as it's true, Trump himself said that

2020-09-17 19:43:35 UTC

2020-09-17 19:43:48 UTC  

oh boy google supporting the left again

2020-09-19 13:50:37 UTC  

hey look there's a bunch of crazy white women outside the SCOTUS building taking selfies LIVE

2020-09-19 18:52:43 UTC  

White BLM lovers get eaten