Message from @Stephen Will
Discord ID: 733104211218137218
If only History had an edit function... 😄
No that wouldn't be good the left would want to edit some history they're trying to edit it now
Haha I just did it there
How ironic
I know I know what you mean the ability to change some b******* would be nice
Well, people make mistakes. But, major mistakes are the ones that show people's fall and rising from those mistakes are like rising up on eagle's wings.
You just reminded me of hyme
I think it goes and I Will raise You up on eagle's wings
I was raised Catholic so you know
@Deleted User hey I appreciate you man for real just kind of engaging with me or whatever
Have a good evening
this is the "revolution" symbol just a kid from a comic book nothing important in the book anyway
They're defending nick cannon on the radio
@Coon Fu Master#9419
if u go on twitter 75% of the replies are blatts defending him
What happened to that coon Fu master guy, he was nice guy
He got kicked
> He got kicked
@Deleted User anybody know why?
Cause he was trolling
if he's nice then we're angels
Why would he be a Beta? He's supporting Trump
A beta clock is right twice a day.
@Stephen Will It is interesting that it was precisely because of such a hysterical behavior of the previous moderator that your candidate was proposed for the role of the new one. Sad times.
I should be mod
I earned it
@𝔾/𝔾 why cant you stop trollin the mods?
I honest with people. You suggest I'm trolling only because lvl of your consciousness. In real life in calls man talk and fellowshiping. I represent almost everything what Jesse talking about.
So Mr snake. What your point? You are just calling names without any reasonable answer. We are supposed to fellowshiping. But you just judging others opinions.
I was merely asking a question based on your previous statement...
> I honest with people. You suggest I'm trolling only because lvl of your consciousness. In real life in calls man talk and fellowshiping. I represent almost everything what Jesse talking about.
@Deleted User Say hello to your mom. I don't understand your hiss from behind the bushes.
Have you read the Holy Bible?
Well, more specifically the Gospels and Revelation of John?
> **So Mr snake.** What your point? **You are just calling names without any reasonable answer.** We are supposed to fellowshiping. But you just judging others opinions.
Hypocrisy is in bold. And, where was the name calling?