Message from @Dedkraken

Discord ID: 786982021708644432

2020-12-11 15:33:31 UTC  

It's never been nearly as bad as what the GOP did following the removal of the voting rights act which was stopping them.

2020-12-11 15:33:34 UTC  

I dont see anyone fleeing red states

2020-12-11 15:34:15 UTC  

That's not happening... Where I live the Dems have drafted the lines in such a way that as many precincts as possible touch blue cities like the spokes of a wagon wheel...

2020-12-11 15:34:39 UTC  

The scale and scope was completely unprecedented. Minority votes in races which can be gerrymandered were worth less than under 3/5 founding father nonsense.

2020-12-11 15:34:44 UTC  

That way the blue city votes supress the red and yellow votes

2020-12-11 15:34:45 UTC many independents voted for Trump? I did.

2020-12-11 15:35:27 UTC  

Also the GOP openly admitted their deeds its not like they denied it 😂

2020-12-11 15:35:46 UTC  

Anyone wonder what or if the "Fair elections fund" is in use right now? Where does that $ go?

2020-12-11 15:35:49 UTC  

I voted Jo Jorgensen... I dislike both Biden and trump

2020-12-11 15:35:52 UTC  

Both parties said yup the GOP rigged the crap out of that one.

2020-12-11 15:36:21 UTC  

I voted 3rd party 4 years ago.

2020-12-11 15:37:22 UTC  

I find maybe some reading of an opposing view book is in order. So far all I hear is just an echo of the controlling left

2020-12-11 15:37:49 UTC  


2020-12-11 15:39:53 UTC  

Free hugs if I ever see you. Message me if you like cod :)

2020-12-11 15:41:17 UTC  

🤷 🍿

2020-12-11 15:43:20 UTC  

If so many minorities switched from Democrat to GOP that 60% of the state voted Democrat and 40% voted GOP what percentage of House reps should be Democrat in a fair election?

2020-12-11 15:44:13 UTC  

Just because you vote for trump/Biden doesnt mean you vote down ballot...

2020-12-11 15:45:35 UTC  

I'm talking down ballot 60% picked Democrat and 40% GOP

2020-12-11 15:46:30 UTC  

Well to explain why its so off.... Sounds fishy and should maybe be taken up in the courts. We know by the data and video how Georgia flipped. 5 other states had the same dump.... hmmm

2020-12-11 15:46:30 UTC  

@Just A Dad Gamer, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-12-11 15:46:44 UTC  

They saw the house of rep choices and 60% picked the dem in their district

2020-12-11 15:47:22 UTC  

What should the representatives look like going to the house 😂

2020-12-11 15:48:49 UTC  

If biden recieved 80 million votes? 27 out of 27 neck and neck races should not go gop. So again you have to question how. Maybe Biden should ask for the same audits for the sake of all those seats

2020-12-11 15:49:14 UTC  

I mean now we even know you can use a blank ballot to vote

2020-12-11 15:52:33 UTC  

This was how they stopped Obama from doing things when the country wanted him to do things. Michigan has about 5m voters. 3 mill said I want a Democrat representative please. 2 million said nah man I want the GOP. Because of how they drew districts to invalidate minority votes they sent 9 GOP and 5 Dems to the house. That GOP house then said we represent the will of the people and the people want Obama to do nothing.

2020-12-11 15:52:58 UTC  

That's not vote switching it's getting screwed

2020-12-11 15:55:44 UTC  

So if the argument is the gop had control during the obama days. Which is not fair because of how the districts work. Then what happened over the last 4 years with russia? Now that we know Obama knew in late 2015/early 2016 that Hilliary made the russia collusion up. How di the left let that continue for so long? Knowing it was already factually false

2020-12-11 15:57:20 UTC  

Theres a difference between telling voters something and changing their minds and just stealing folks votes because you think you know better than them. Millions in Michigan had no voice in congress because it was taken from them.

2020-12-11 15:57:22 UTC  

I am saying this refering to fairness

2020-12-11 15:57:48 UTC  

I think it was distraction tactics trying to take up time and $ when POTUS, SCOTUS etc could be doing more great things for the country

2020-12-11 15:57:49 UTC  

@RoseRN, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-12-11 15:57:52 UTC  

Or they all live in the same area and are not spread out very much

2020-12-11 15:58:15 UTC  

Also the Trump campaigns interactions with Russia were highly suspect and malicious and they should go to jail for them. They were on tape doing the deed and caught going to secret Russia meetings.

2020-12-11 15:58:17 UTC  

@RoseRN yes lol. It was there to prevent even more achievements

2020-12-11 15:58:20 UTC  

Also distracting the public through MSM

2020-12-11 15:58:42 UTC  

You got any evidence of that?

2020-12-11 15:58:54 UTC  

No they were not. Cater page was being talked to by russia. The cia knew this and he was relaying all info and communications

2020-12-11 15:59:11 UTC  

Maybe an email from trump jr where he talks about funneling money to the big guy?