Message from @Dedkraken

Discord ID: 786991976100397107

2020-12-11 16:17:03 UTC  

Again 0 premise to investigate

2020-12-11 16:17:04 UTC  

No. There weren't.

2020-12-11 16:17:17 UTC  

There were. As informants

2020-12-11 16:17:36 UTC  

That was the lying media schilling for Democrats making you think that

2020-12-11 16:18:06 UTC  

Yes. Distract from her emails. I will read NPR report entirety later but wasn't the REAL issue that Hillary's emails were not on a secure account and there was discussion of treason, for her carelessness? What ever happened with that?

2020-12-11 16:18:16 UTC  

@AntiFish03, you just advanced to level 9!

2020-12-11 16:18:25 UTC  

Papadopoulos lied to the FBI about a meeting with Russians to get dirt on Hillary thats a big old red flag to ignore

2020-12-11 16:18:36 UTC  

That is a play list all about the Flynn stuff

2020-12-11 16:19:05 UTC  

And covers everything including the circle jerk with the Amici

2020-12-11 16:19:33 UTC  

Viva Frei literally made 27 videos just on the crap they did to Flynn. It's amazing

2020-12-11 16:19:53 UTC  

Also folks were willing to testify about Trumps involvement in the Russian election interference. He used executive privilege to obstruct that testimony. Doesnt exactly prove he was innocent

2020-12-11 16:20:46 UTC  

Trump abusing his power doesn't scream innocence to everyone anymore than Al Capone murdering witnesses made him an upstanding citizen

2020-12-11 16:22:20 UTC  

You'll have to define what you mean by election interference and then prove there was any.

2020-12-11 16:22:23 UTC  

Hell with COVID going strong Capone was responsible for far less dead Americans than this failure of a leader

2020-12-11 16:22:24 UTC  

Here is the problem with your debate @Dedkraken . You are only willing to dig as deep as you have to in order to find what you want. The left has a problem being honest with themselves. The truth hurts sometimes. I.e. by no means am I hateful towards any gays or trans. But if you tell someone they are a women when in fact they are a man. That is a lie. You are telling someone a lie everytime you agree with them. Lies in 0 way have ever helped anyone

2020-12-11 16:23:28 UTC  

If I can believe MAGA dragqueens then I can believe dragqueens.

2020-12-11 16:23:37 UTC  

I listened to the entire 4.5 hour long circle jerk between Sullivan and the Amici live with @Uncivil Law... There was no reason not to dismiss... the US attorney's even stated that they had no reliable/credible evidence to charge flynn in the first place.

2020-12-11 16:24:32 UTC  

@Dedkraken sounds kinda rude to call people names

2020-12-11 16:25:04 UTC  

@Dedkraken Ad hominem isn't wanted nor required

2020-12-11 16:25:08 UTC  

Trump supporters named their little Truck parades MAGA drags I didn't

2020-12-11 16:25:42 UTC  

Name calling is a quick way to get banned. 🤷🏻‍♂️

2020-12-11 16:26:17 UTC  

I support a citizens right to pretend what they arent its a free country

2020-12-11 16:26:25 UTC  

Idk I never heard of that term towards any trump supporter with the exception of some in the #Walkaway movement

2020-12-11 16:27:33 UTC  

From the transcripts and evidence I’ve seen on Russia collusion, it’s possible that those involved are hiding that trump and Putin are hiding a gay relationship with each other. In other words, I have not seen any harm and benefits mentioned.

2020-12-11 16:27:53 UTC  

So do I. But I don't support their right to sue me or the states right to penalize me for disagreeing with that person's delusion

2020-12-11 16:28:15 UTC  

why do you think that people that embrace who they are is an attack on them 🤷‍♂️

2020-12-11 16:28:32 UTC  

Wokeness :)

2020-12-11 16:30:46 UTC  

If I want to be an Apache attack helicopter I sure can. But you are under no obligation to change the words you use based on my pretending.

People don’t normally have an issue with people wanting to pretend. It’s when they are forced to partake in the pretending where they draw a hard “nope”.

2020-12-11 16:31:55 UTC  

An apache helicopter? If dragqueens want to dress up in womens clothing and pretend its a free country. They are cool with who they are 🤷‍♂️

2020-12-11 16:32:22 UTC  

Uhh, back to the topic, please?

2020-12-11 16:32:22 UTC  

@RoseRN, you just advanced to level 2!

2020-12-11 16:32:31 UTC  

if you want to put on a cardboard box and a propeller hat and wander the steets making helicopter noises go for it 😄 send a video

2020-12-11 16:32:39 UTC  

If you are dressing up as something other than what you are doesn’t that mean you aren’t cool with who you are?

2020-12-11 16:33:01 UTC  

Come on guys. Get real

2020-12-11 16:33:18 UTC  

Let it go.

2020-12-11 16:33:32 UTC  

Today I am a butterfly

2020-12-11 16:34:19 UTC  

MAGAs should be able to drag too its their right as a citizen

2020-12-11 16:34:35 UTC  

Ok. Signing off now

2020-12-11 16:35:22 UTC  

🥶 with me

2020-12-11 16:40:23 UTC