Message from @Maw

Discord ID: 779488356052107274

2020-11-20 22:58:26 UTC  


2020-11-20 23:00:07 UTC  

I doubt the "safe" part, though. Hope they hid him well.

2020-11-20 23:00:41 UTC  

I cant imagine him having access to anyone with experience fighting communists. It is somewhat different from other forms of security.

2020-11-20 23:00:45 UTC  

Glad they got them out of there. there was this Twitter account that was soliciting information on Kyle's cell number when he got to jail

2020-11-20 23:01:14 UTC  

that was a pretty scary tweet, lol

2020-11-20 23:01:19 UTC  

glad he's out of there.

2020-11-20 23:03:49 UTC  

@Neph (Nec) / Krystaps (War) it’s funny how they bring up the “white privilege” bs but ignore the fact that only whites got shot and a black man who assaulted him didn’t get shot

2020-11-20 23:05:17 UTC  

I've had the "White privilege" discussion with a number of my progressive friends and I can never get them to articulate a logical reason for what it is beyond this idea that I benefit from it because I am white.

2020-11-20 23:05:44 UTC  

My stock answer is: Oh, I AM privileged. I am privileged to have been born to my mother and father who worked damn hard in order to provide me with what I have now.

2020-11-20 23:05:51 UTC  

None of that has to do with skin color...but with grit and determination

2020-11-20 23:05:54 UTC  

but, I digress

2020-11-20 23:06:32 UTC  

white privilege sounds like something the Klu Klux Klan made up

2020-11-20 23:07:01 UTC  

maybe their counterparts arent much better? 🙂

2020-11-20 23:23:00 UTC  

I swear by the structure and naming convention they used, they wanted to be taken as least seriously as possible ironically enough.

2020-11-20 23:23:52 UTC  

"Grand Council of Yahoos"

2020-11-20 23:24:13 UTC  

"Grand Wizard." "Exalted Cyclops."

2020-11-20 23:25:39 UTC  

Like 4chan in the 19th century.

2020-11-20 23:28:02 UTC  

Are most people here pro rittehouse?

2020-11-20 23:28:15 UTC  

I'm sure a lot of people are, yes.

2020-11-20 23:28:26 UTC  

Legally anyway.

2020-11-20 23:29:08 UTC  

I really think he acted in a dumb, immature manner and definitely shouldn't have been doing what he was doing, but I also think that he didn't murder people.

2020-11-20 23:30:06 UTC  

I ceased typing when I saw you typing because I assumed you would say the same thing. Was not disappointed.

2020-11-20 23:30:20 UTC  


2020-11-20 23:34:36 UTC  

So not murder but manslaughter? What consequences do you think there should be? @Maw

2020-11-20 23:34:36 UTC  

@shadownight2018, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-11-20 23:34:58 UTC  

Manslaughter is different, and I don't think it's manslaughter either.

2020-11-20 23:35:24 UTC  

You could certainly try to make that argument, but I don't think it'll stick.

2020-11-20 23:35:40 UTC  

Simply because it's reasonable to think he was in danger for his life.

2020-11-20 23:39:11 UTC  

I think he'll end up being guilty of some weapons charge or something equally lame. That and a lesson learned.

2020-11-20 23:39:31 UTC  

That is semi-likely, if they don't just drop the charges entirely.

2020-11-20 23:40:07 UTC  

Oh, he'll be guilty of something. Lol.

2020-11-20 23:40:50 UTC  

I don't trust his representation enough to think they have a chance to get all charges dropped.

2020-11-20 23:41:11 UTC  

He may keep reckless endangerment, but that's debatable.

2020-11-20 23:42:18 UTC  

Something like that with a sharp slap on the wrist.

2020-11-20 23:43:11 UTC  

If he gets reckless endangerment and it's not downgraded he would be a convicted felon.

2020-11-20 23:44:10 UTC  

So I certainly would avoid taking that plea deal in his case assuming they try to offer it.

2020-11-20 23:50:54 UTC  

I don't even know the charges at this moment, much less what they will end up being and even less the outcome...but it seems like no one is going to say 'Later dude. Sorry for the inconvenience.' It's too hot.

2020-11-20 23:52:05 UTC  

It's one of those kinds of cases in my honest opinion that you have to let play out in court for the good of public trust and trust in the justice system. Just waving Kyle off would have been likely in poor taste.

2020-11-20 23:52:28 UTC  

Two people are dead, and if no one had any form of closure, it'd not look good for the system.

2020-11-20 23:52:35 UTC  

Especially because it's contentious.