Message from @LrnAshly
Discord ID: 773735450682196011
nice to meet you.
@TheParamedicGamer well, thank you, sir.
Well the outliers will need to be disarmed because there’s gonna be “the watchers” who are tuned in and those will need to be controlled by something other than social construction mechanisms
Doc social psychology is my jam!
yes and no. History shows us that social pressure is the most powerful force.
The outliers will be your eccentric weirdo here and there.
99% conform
that's the thing we always say. gun laws affect the law abiding citizen.
which at one point does that person need to push back
Even so, violence and threat of violence doesn't seem like it's not a thing.
this seems a bit off topic for <#771201221145919499>
every society breaks down when the individuals comprising it are no longer loyal to the entity. If they have guns it will be more violent.
though....300 000 dead Tuutsies might disagree....
It's precisely the election topic for a lot of people. One-issue voters are real.
I would rather have people be one issue voter than a non voter
Isn’t the whole point being to vote
Really? But if you vote you validate a system. What if you are against it?
You have some type of issue with the discussion you can simply ignore it
I am more for people exercising the right to vote. I encourage the opportunity for educational dialogue to expand ones views
How many times have you heard "if it wasn't for _____"? I'm fine with one-issue voters but that's why they don't resolve certain things; they are dangling carrots for people to chase.
well, then here is my problem: a political party is in essence an anti-democratic alliance. It blocks representative democracy in that every candidate up for election has to do a lot of back-scratching and mental prostitution to rise to the top of a rather corrupt ladder, yes?
you are right
The alternative would be that I could vote for RobertGrulerEsq
Hahahaha exactly
i mean we are able to do write ins
Bipartisan machine is too easily manipulated by outside controlling interests
And unfortunately that’s exactly what we have
reason why a third party really needs to happen
With morals anf achievments.
But I cant. Political alliances called parties are blocking me.
Been saying the same!
we have 10. Makes no difference.
10 parties all run by career politicians. Professional sweet talkers.
Mixtures of preferences are so varied that they literally cannot be accommodated. We have to pick which puddle of vomit to lick.
Yea, Biden couldnt get more than 10 honking cars to a rally but for some reason has the highest turnout in american history.
i mean we have many parties as well but you only ever hear about the 2