Message from @Zuluzeit

Discord ID: 775550572245286912

2020-11-10 02:27:31 UTC  

can I ask a question? How come its FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD when Joe Biden wins states he was predicted to win but closer than expected but nobody has brought up FRAUD when it comes to the Senate races that were predicted democratic pickups but the republicans won?

2020-11-10 02:27:47 UTC  

it seems that there might be bias in the people claiming fraud

2020-11-10 02:28:13 UTC  

It's called confirmation bias. Count the hits but not the misses.

2020-11-10 02:28:39 UTC  

thats what it seems like to me. I like the result? Everything is fine. I don't like the result? WELL SOMETHING MUST BE WRONG

2020-11-10 02:28:40 UTC  

How is it Bias only one way?If this was biden that was claiming that with the odditys that are happening wouldnt you want it properly investigated?

2020-11-10 02:31:53 UTC  

Have there been the same oddities with the senate races? Like the spikes in votes for Republican politicians? Or democrats not being allowed to review ballots? @NidoGod

2020-11-10 02:32:10 UTC  

No one is suggesting things shouldn't be investigated. The suggestion is that, with the scores of claims that have already turned out to be perfectly normal course, it might be a good idea to temper wishful thinking, lest the result render the anxiety unnecessary and the truth palatable.

2020-11-10 02:32:16 UTC  

Republicans arent being allowed

2020-11-10 02:32:41 UTC  

I could be wrong but i don't see the those things applied against dems. But i havent searched into it much. Would genuinely like to know @NidoGod

2020-11-10 02:34:25 UTC  

Not letting in angry hordes with an agenda is not the same thing as banning observers. There are legally appointed observers from both sides present. They thought of that.

2020-11-10 02:35:06 UTC  

I dont see anyone doing that tho...I see americans standing up against a foul media that are doing awful things to MOSTLY conservatives,Biden CLAIMING he has already won when just a weak or so aho they were saying things like "Oh it will take months to deal with the election" now there like "just accept it".There IS evidence out there to support something happened.They have already determined this with the dominion systems "Glitch" so it hasnt all been debunked.Its crazy how someone can say that given no one is disputing the dominion systems "Glitch" That system is in many other countrys and MANY other states.

2020-11-10 02:35:52 UTC  

It's probably a good idea to control access to venues containing live ballots, particularly when people are upset. That's all I'm saying.

2020-11-10 02:35:55 UTC  

That isnt how it started at all!They were legal OBSERVERS.The court ordered dems to let them in and they flat out said no,so did the sherif.He broke the law.Sorry but thats ILEGAL.

2020-11-10 02:36:09 UTC  

Control them against officials?

2020-11-10 02:36:26 UTC  

That makes no sense

2020-11-10 02:37:34 UTC  

If someone refused access to a legal observer who was following the covenants to which they agreed, anyone who did it would be in jail as we speak.

2020-11-10 02:38:50 UTC  

Just so...but apparently the sherif disagree's with you...wich is wy the judge is forcing it.Altho if they make them wait long enough the proof will be gone.You prolly already know all of this tho,Most of what Im seeing from you are denials.

2020-11-10 02:38:58 UTC  

No insult...just reread

2020-11-10 02:40:23 UTC  

All of these theories rely on the absence of process controls that actually exist and we wouldn't even have thought up. It's not set up as simply as if you or I designed it.

2020-11-10 02:40:34 UTC  

ok,you dont agree that the law was broken...I mean the judge does so I guess we will see.What about the dominion systems "Glitch"?isnt that reason enough for there to be an investigation?

2020-11-10 02:41:05 UTC  

I have no idea whether the law was broken but I know that there are people who do.

2020-11-10 02:41:06 UTC  

what theorys are you refering to?

2020-11-10 02:41:19 UTC  

Who do what?

2020-11-10 02:41:24 UTC  

break the law?

2020-11-10 02:41:34 UTC  

Who know whether laws were broken.

2020-11-10 02:41:59 UTC  

I agree,the judge knows...and he issued another order to force them.

2020-11-10 02:42:53 UTC  

Look up judge alito and read up on it.That isnt theory its fact,the dominion systems isnt theory its again,fact.just those allone would have gotten my dander up if it happened against biden

2020-11-10 02:43:06 UTC  

What is america without a fair and true election?

2020-11-10 02:44:43 UTC  

You are already accepting these as facts. I don't know the complexities of any of them and suggest that it's possible that you might not either.

2020-11-10 02:44:46 UTC  

Other countrys are looking on america now thinking...hey democracy isnt so great.Look what happens when someone trys to CLAIM cheating.They get sensored and told "Nothing happened here".Its honestly very disgusting this is going on.I agree that there is evidence of voter fraud.So look into it.As I said Id feel the sameway if it was biden.

2020-11-10 02:45:26 UTC  

I can read the judges order and also dominion systems admition it was done.I think you should look into these things becouse wether you like it or not it is fact.

2020-11-10 02:48:02 UTC  

Like I said, there are people much higher up in the food chain with an arguably greater stake in this and who also have access to all you have and more. There is nothing wrong with keeping abreast but if they are, in fact, facts, everything will be as it should.

2020-11-10 02:50:21 UTC  

Im glad you have faith in that and are ready to just give up your rights.I am not however.We voters are the watchers and the enforcers.I fought for my country once and Id fight to keep my country safe again.What happened is very un american.honestly so many people ready to just roll over and accept this while denying the things that happened is pretty un american.You can easily look up those things I stated and see for yourself but you arent.Wich kinda makes me think your suffering from Bias a bit.

2020-11-10 02:52:21 UTC  

Not accepting things that have not been demonstrated to my satisfaction could be biased. I don't think I am but in the same breath, I have no obligation not to be biased. Same goes for you. That's the beauty of it.

2020-11-10 02:52:54 UTC  

I also dont see why you think anyone has a higher stake in this then us voters?Thats just baffeling to me.

2020-11-10 02:53:35 UTC  

Lol the politicians from both sides have a greater stake. Don't kid yourself.

2020-11-10 02:53:50 UTC  

True,you can feel ok that our country is being destroyed...thats very true.I would question your patriotism then honestly...but other then that.very true.

2020-11-10 02:53:58 UTC  

No thats just what they convinced you of

2020-11-10 02:54:29 UTC  

I am not convinced of anything.

2020-11-10 02:55:05 UTC  

We are the ones who make the system work.If I were to give in as easy as some....well yea,I guess you would be correct.Im not however.Iv seen enough to say for certainty that there is something wrong here.Im comfortable with that.I dont understand your lack of caring about america tho...or your rights for that matter.

2020-11-10 02:55:35 UTC  

My rights are perfectly well atm.