Message from @mandarinorange

Discord ID: 779221690663436288

2020-11-20 05:43:54 UTC  

but I don't fing trust the other "they" either

2020-11-20 05:44:20 UTC  

> Should democrats be right to feel threatened by investigations, audits or delayed certifications

I don't think so

2020-11-20 05:44:21 UTC  

It must feel worse for them to win and then lose, rather than just lose initially.

2020-11-20 05:44:25 UTC  

I am with Robert on this

2020-11-20 05:44:46 UTC  

I think they should welcome the investigation, and their censorship and all that shit is making things worse

2020-11-20 05:44:50 UTC  

i had a dream trump won. woke up sad

2020-11-20 05:45:01 UTC  

but my ire goes against the right, because I don't speak to democrats much

2020-11-20 05:45:09 UTC  

the right, right now, is 50% nuts

2020-11-20 05:45:12 UTC  

straight up nuts

2020-11-20 05:45:19 UTC  

just read some youtube comments and vomit

2020-11-20 05:45:30 UTC  

Agreed, the censorship stinks.

2020-11-20 05:45:30 UTC  

I cannot speak to dems.

2020-11-20 05:45:32 UTC  

They hate me

2020-11-20 05:45:50 UTC  

I agree with you mandarin, they cite themselves are the unquestionable arbiters of truth, we've had to absorb their journalistic activism for 4 years now and they go ahead and say 73 million people are either brainwashed cultists, have racist sympathies or were simply willing to look the other way, and then they wonder why their viewership plummets or why not many find them credible

2020-11-20 05:46:12 UTC  

we need a THIS emoji

2020-11-20 05:46:48 UTC  

like a few million I can concede, but over 70 million? That many racists and cultists? Kind of a stretch Don Lemon

2020-11-20 05:46:50 UTC  

I legit could see10 articles saying something and 5 fact checkers and still be like hmmm i dont know. really its smart ppl on top and tons of idiots doing as they're told

2020-11-20 05:47:07 UTC  

so we will see

2020-11-20 05:48:04 UTC  

Whether or not there is a lot of coverage on this, the courts will be deciding this I guess. I think the reason that they are not covering it is that most big media is leftist, while so few are conservative.

2020-11-20 05:48:26 UTC  

have you ever noticed how those different fact checkers say verbatim the same thing

2020-11-20 05:48:48 UTC  

like not even as if another person wrote it. or they just kinda rewrote it

2020-11-20 05:48:51 UTC  

Yes, it's quite suspicious

2020-11-20 05:51:23 UTC  

I think best part about this election is were still going to see a red wave online with content for all the people who have been silent so long. Clearly theres a demand for right wing media people should come along and do it right.

2020-11-20 05:51:26 UTC  

Think what is really missing and what blows me away is that if this was a criminal case the amount of physical and circumstantial evidence, eyewitness, experts would be more than enough to be found guilty, beyond reasonable doubt . instead the "if the gloves dont fit" bs is in play. Also like to know what is the amount of evidence needed to change this.

2020-11-20 05:51:44 UTC  

I mean, with regards to "they" as the media, they only have themselves to blame for why Trump got elected in the first place. They never draw any criticism to themselves and always so quickly to people who don't share their viewpoints. They pretend to be for all Americans and unity and yet look down on so many of us, even still. Literally after election day on 2016 they first threw blame at Russia, at faulty vote counts, etc and never once considered "Hey, maybe I'm not right about everything I say. Maybe I don't understand the problems as well as I think I do. Maybe I'm not as virtuous a person as I think I am" and that's pretty typical for a lot of those coastal elites.

2020-11-20 05:52:53 UTC  

Dems throw shit at the wall hoping it sticks. Let the conservatives give it a shot

2020-11-20 05:54:19 UTC  

Given how badly in faith they operated in faith with these investigations, I have no qualms about Trump just wanting to jam the courts with so much litigation that they can't certify by the deadlines, moving the election to House Delegations.

2020-11-20 05:54:37 UTC  

lol AOC saying we should pay people to stay home, to fix the pandemic.

2020-11-20 05:54:37 UTC  

I like what Max Keiser said in an interview when the interviewer asked him why he works for RT, and if he's concerned that it's Russian propaganda. His answer was along the lines of Every media is Propaganda

2020-11-20 05:54:37 UTC  

@JohanC, you just advanced to level 1!

2020-11-20 05:55:24 UTC  

Yeah i say liberal propaganda but they're saying the same about us hahah

2020-11-20 05:55:33 UTC  

only difference is i dont worship cnn

2020-11-20 05:56:11 UTC  

AOC could be charged with Tortious interference if people are harmed by her instigations of adding Trump supporters to lists, in order to harass them after Biden 'wins'. She should probably tone it down a bit.

2020-11-20 05:56:32 UTC  

I got harassed by libs

2020-11-20 05:56:32 UTC  

@mandarinorange, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-11-20 05:56:41 UTC  

Oh, Nancy Pelosi is gonnah reel her in like Bernie and the rest of the Squad

2020-11-20 05:56:44 UTC  

quite the level up

2020-11-20 05:57:15 UTC  

the progressives in the Democratic House and Senate have pretty much been kneecapped

2020-11-20 05:57:25 UTC  

and somehow Pelosi still kept her position as House Speaker

2020-11-20 05:57:26 UTC  

Will Nancy retain speaker of the house status going forward?

2020-11-20 05:57:31 UTC  

she will