Message from @Repeat

Discord ID: 780672263849508905

2020-11-24 05:31:00 UTC  

Shouldn’t **

2020-11-24 05:32:19 UTC  

It is required under mandate that all customers must wear her mask in my business. Huge resistance to these orders and the local business is forced to enforce them. I swear I feel like they’re trying to put me out of business

2020-11-24 05:33:57 UTC  

I can’t type tonight. Hopefully you’re fluent in typo

2020-11-24 05:34:33 UTC  

I know what you mean... My grandmother, rest her soul, smoked menthol cigarettes until the end. Started when she was 17 and lived to almost 87. She refused to go to a doctor or quit even though her lungs must have been jelly. I doubt she would have wanted to comply with a mask order - maybe if it had a hole for her cigarette. I've often wondered how long she might have lived given different choices.

2020-11-24 05:35:28 UTC  

They can be stubborn! The older men are the worst too.

2020-11-24 05:36:46 UTC  

Of course we do have many that take care of themselves and follow the guidelines and take precautions at home and such, but it still surprises me how many don’t

2020-11-24 05:40:54 UTC  

We've been pretty fortunate around here. 99% comply with the wearing of masks indoors. If you think about it, the reports estimate that 400 people came out to HB to protest. HB is a city of over 200K. Orange County has like 3.2m people. It takes about half hour with no traffic to travel one side of OC to the other E-W and 45 minutes N-S, so fairly dense. Getting 400 people to show up to a protest is not impressive by our standards, but the news stories make it seem that there is a huge uprising.

2020-11-24 05:46:35 UTC  

Idk I just saw the video on Twitter. Couldn’t tell you how many people were there

2020-11-24 05:47:02 UTC  

For the bad rap that CA and Gov Newsom get, we've done a pretty good job keeping CoVid in check (knock on wood). It's just odd that many in the media think that happened in spite of the restrictions and not because of them. Of course, I'm not in the hospitality or tourism business,. I'd probably be less amenable if I were. I'm just hopeful that the result will be CA being able to rapidly recover once things start to go back to normal.

2020-11-24 05:47:22 UTC  

He is disgusting to me

2020-11-24 05:48:26 UTC  

Celebrities can ear a living but I can’t?

2020-11-24 05:48:35 UTC  


2020-11-24 05:48:56 UTC  

The hypocrisy is endless

2020-11-24 05:48:56 UTC  

Are you in CA, too?

2020-11-24 05:49:09 UTC  

Not anymore thank god!

2020-11-24 05:49:48 UTC  

I would be down at that party lol

2020-11-24 05:50:48 UTC  

I'm certainly not envious of what the governors have to do... They are damned if they do and damned if they don't.

2020-11-24 05:51:43 UTC  

Not a good defense at all. Unacceptable

2020-11-24 05:51:56 UTC  

Of course, that’s my opinion

2020-11-24 05:52:05 UTC  

With 38m people in the state, our hospitals could be over-run in days, if we had the infection rate of some of the states that are having a real hard time right now.

2020-11-24 05:52:51 UTC  

He is asking a great sacrifice, he should lead by example at least

2020-11-24 05:53:41 UTC  

100% - I can't remember a CA governor that people really loved... Reagan - as governor - was before my time.

2020-11-24 05:53:43 UTC  

And how does he get to cherry pick who gets to live or die?

2020-11-24 05:54:09 UTC  

I'm not sure I get the reference on the who lives or dies...

2020-11-24 05:56:54 UTC  

And how does he cherry picks who can be financially successful? Someone’s life works goes down the tubes-Suicide. The lady yesterday or today in who committed suicide because she couldn’t stand the thought of another lock down.

2020-11-24 05:57:21 UTC  

He’s playing GOD

2020-11-24 05:57:34 UTC  

Again. My opinions

2020-11-24 06:02:03 UTC  

You probably have figured out I am a data nerd.... During the first lock down, I was doing quite a bit of analysis of the CoVid data. My thinking was that this was a unique time as testing was saved for just those that were symptomatic, I figured that the data up until late June was pretty indicative of survival rates of symptomatic infected persons. During that time, and I tracked it for months, we had a fairly steady national death rate 1 in 18 persons who were symptomatic died.

2020-11-24 06:02:04 UTC  

Our forefathers and my ancestors made sacrifices for FREEDOM! The very freedoms that people like him try to take away so he can have more POWER and money. And while the forefathers threw together the Declaration of Independence and our constitution, we continued to add more freedoms, not take them away!

2020-11-24 06:02:41 UTC  

Then I started looking at other states. In MI, the death rate was 1 in 10.5.

2020-11-24 06:03:02 UTC  

In NY, it was 1 in 15.

2020-11-24 06:04:00 UTC  

It’s my right to risk my health can’t this be compared to pro-choice? It’s my body...

2020-11-24 06:04:13 UTC  

I mapped them all out, at the time, and it was not what the media was telling everyone, because they reported the death rate as a percentage of population, which was basically meaningless.

2020-11-24 06:04:46 UTC  

I think it's different. This is more akin to drunk driving.

2020-11-24 06:05:28 UTC  

They should not take away constitutional rights for any reason. Ever.

2020-11-24 06:05:38 UTC  

No excuse

2020-11-24 06:05:51 UTC  


2020-11-24 06:06:32 UTC  

A person could argue that they should be allowed to drive while drunk, because it's their choice. It's possible they would make it home, they could have a solo accident, or they could kill someone.

2020-11-24 06:07:32 UTC  

Not a good analogy

2020-11-24 06:08:07 UTC  

We make all kinds of rules that we all abide by for the good of society - DUI, speed limits, traffic signs, seatbelts, helmets, car seats...

2020-11-24 06:08:23 UTC  

So if you’re scared to die. Stay home