Message from @MatiLuc

Discord ID: 781538782612553779

2020-11-26 15:07:41 UTC  

sorry but the government can stop death and it can only rearrange when and where it occurs

Not a single death on what side? Is it good to nuke a country to protect your people. "Not a single death" was used to excuse Vietnam you know. Something to add about honor ^^

2020-11-26 15:08:25 UTC  

No, the Government should take the threat seriously and initiate protocols.

Like Australia now? Because I admire to let people starve so they don't get killed by lung infections. Not factual just empathizing the critique of the lockdowns of Australia ^^

2020-11-26 15:10:01 UTC  

and trample on people's rights in the process ... they were forcibly pulling folks from their homes in China and taking them to isolation camps ... you think that will work in the US?

2020-11-26 15:10:02 UTC  

Australia is a mess like everybody else. Those who have taken it seriously are enjoying life as normal.

2020-11-26 15:10:46 UTC  

I think it's just hypocritical that everyone in congress went home over the weekend to celebrate thanksgiving instead of trying to pass a bill that would grant REAL financial relief to people who are desperate for income. I mean the whole situation is so bourgeois

2020-11-26 15:11:16 UTC  

Taiwan paid citizens $1500 a month to quarantine. The US cannot even get stim cheques out.

2020-11-26 15:11:47 UTC  

100% correct. I was sick hearing of that and I’m in London.

They do fear all wrong for every dictator here in this chatroom. You do not tell them to wear the mask you tell them how horrible they'll die and give them masks

2020-11-26 15:12:50 UTC  

the US paid an extra $600 a week for people (most of them not infected with the virus) NOT to work

US is wide not interstate (not everywhere i meant too late too few and it's not a unified nation)

2020-11-26 15:14:15 UTC  

Unemployment enrollment is already limited, if it wasn't you wouldn't see thousands of people in Texas lining up for miles at a food drive.

2020-11-26 15:14:20 UTC  

Taiwan enjoys great freedoms, the Government has always educated its people of the how deadly the virus can potentially be. We in our countries like to use the media to place fear in people.

2020-11-26 15:14:31 UTC  

Not to mention eviction suspensions are about to expire too in Arkansas

I was telling the dictators don't listen to my dark rumbles it is better to indict fear than to indict hope for pandemic things. Don't quote me on this ^^

2020-11-26 15:15:06 UTC  

everyone that was laid off from March onward had an extra $600 a week in their unemployment checks through the summer ... that is across the entire US

2020-11-26 15:15:55 UTC  

also they sent $1200 stimulus checks to everyone including those still working and those retired

2020-11-26 15:16:06 UTC  

Not enough. When ur rent is 1000 plus

2020-11-26 15:16:44 UTC  

I know of people who have to choose between rent and food.

2020-11-26 15:17:21 UTC  

1200$ is deplorable. The military budget is comparison gets bigger and bigger.

2020-11-26 15:17:46 UTC  

lots of money spent randomly ... very little specifically to help with the problem we are now facing which is the surge that all the experts said would happen in the fall/winter months ... where are all the new hospitals? where are all the facilities to take care of those infected by the surge that we knew would happen

2020-11-26 15:17:49 UTC  


It would've been nice to scarcity fund the military taking presidential orders to remove 95% of minitary budget is indication to topple the country even with reason given but even a -5% would be plenty ^^

2020-11-26 15:19:00 UTC  

They belong to Jared Kushner and not the American people.

2020-11-26 15:20:14 UTC  

America won’t be toppled if it reduces it military budget, foreign military aid should also be cut. But 260,000 is acceptable. It is what it is.

Topped as in the officials getting the checks refuse to adjust their spendature goes to court which takes months to get any money rolling taking money from military spenditure is hard there is no liquid money going around it is not a bank the value is in maintanance. Say roughly 40% of that funding goes to paying the military's personal upkeep (salery, base maintanance it's fuzzy)

It's so much money going around there it's easier to defund a whole sector than strike budget, say cancel NASA funding which is already done btw way before it's difficult it was an example ^^

say you strike everyone in the navy, thousand jobless they get their military retirement fund whick would curb any money gain for months to come. Everything degrades after days, reclaiming the buisness which may take 2 years costs them more than the overall gain will bring. See defunding of any district of authority it is a bitch even stealing from rich or ransacking banks is not getting the actual first-grade liquid currency only through every single secondary expenditure is settled

but I agreen on getting that INSANE fund on the military curbed

A billion savored among 200 million is 5$ per person once. You try to find liquid currency going around to be sacked easily ^^

What funding would you ransack, there was some talk about police defunding that is pennies compared to salery ^^ You fire every police officer you get the exact same cashflow in repairs and hired militia

wait a second I was digging into this again my god why did noone stop me I get sidetrack so damn easy...

2020-11-26 15:37:35 UTC  

Well d treasure dept. Said lets put away those extra billions away

2020-11-26 15:37:35 UTC  

@MatiLuc, you just advanced to level 6!

Not sure where you would get that from america is in the hole (debt) and saving for actual medical care and research funding I'm confused what are you implying? ^^

When you defame quote them little advice from satan himself

The out of conext shaming only works when you quote or paraphrase effectivly