Message from @Doc

Discord ID: 782005028402626580

2020-11-27 21:56:40 UTC  

@Zuluzeit as much as I hate to say it average people whatever that means don't seem to possess the perspective to analyze situations objectively. so they require a technocratic class in order to provide direction.

2020-11-27 21:56:50 UTC  

@Zuluzeit you can understand the principles, as they are repetetive. Like how you can say something about a snowflake without being able to predict its shape.

2020-11-27 21:57:32 UTC  

@Doc it's all very convenient for the purposes of Discord

2020-11-27 21:57:39 UTC  

I see.

2020-11-27 21:58:01 UTC  

Man, I'm a sucker for analogies. Lol

2020-11-27 21:58:27 UTC  

@busillis without such shows discord would be pointless.

2020-11-27 21:58:46 UTC  

It's in the name.

2020-11-27 21:59:52 UTC  

I guess my point is that discordant populations are easier to govern

2020-11-27 22:00:24 UTC  

You only have to deal with half of the population with pitchforks in hand at any one time

2020-11-27 22:01:35 UTC  

Isnt it interesting? Excess deaths from all other causes went down during covid. Almost as if people who were already going to die from heart disease just died faster from covid.

2020-11-27 22:02:06 UTC  

It isnt like they werent already going to die

2020-11-27 22:02:10 UTC  

@leftingfighter33 also less people out and about cleansing the gene pool

2020-11-27 22:02:14 UTC  

@leftingfighter33 or it is what happens when you connect a certain cause of death to cash.

2020-11-27 22:02:43 UTC  

Profit is a fantastic motivator

2020-11-27 22:02:46 UTC  

You had the same thing in Holland when they tried to show that legalization worked. They started registering ODs as "respiratory failure."

2020-11-27 22:04:49 UTC  

@leftingfighter33 but yeah COVID-19 looks like a nothingburger in retrospect

2020-11-27 22:06:17 UTC  

In the beginning COVID-19 appear to be the biggest existential crisis face by Humanity in ages.

2020-11-27 22:07:37 UTC  

Now we have election 2020 I don't know if we're going to survive

2020-11-27 22:07:46 UTC  


2020-11-27 22:08:27 UTC  

No worries, covid is going away after the election is settled, from what I've been hearing. No more anti-mask meltdowns.

2020-11-27 22:08:47 UTC  

@busillis It is, actually. It is a massive existential crisis.

2020-11-27 22:09:21 UTC  

@Doc how so

2020-11-27 22:09:31 UTC  

Because it was all about the United States presidential election. Ask any Italian.

2020-11-27 22:10:10 UTC  

@Doc we're collectively becoming aware of the madness.

2020-11-27 22:10:11 UTC  

@busillis The modern westerner cant exist without being seen. Any sort of limitation on the ability to be on pornographic display will cause them to break down mentally.

2020-11-27 22:10:25 UTC  

and they are.

2020-11-27 22:10:26 UTC  

Why do we have 260k dead people in the USA.

2020-11-27 22:10:40 UTC  

@MatiLuc Its normal that people die.

2020-11-27 22:11:34 UTC  

@Doc are you sure you're not filling Gaps with your own bias? The population at Large will be unchanged more mad than the hatter.

2020-11-27 22:12:43 UTC  

@busillis No, I am going off local data

2020-11-27 22:13:02 UTC  

And the model created by Byung-Chul Han.

2020-11-27 22:13:20 UTC  

I'm going to get another coffee I'll be right back

2020-11-27 22:13:31 UTC  

which builds on the model by David Riesman

2020-11-27 22:13:51 UTC  

which has show itself a rugged model in the past.

2020-11-27 22:14:38 UTC  

2nd country have 100k less deaths than Us. And our states have the body count of whole countries convined

2020-11-27 22:15:00 UTC  

CFR is influenced by medical culture.

2020-11-27 22:15:50 UTC  

In europe it is influence by NHS policies, in the US by a combination of government spending and insurance money.

2020-11-27 22:16:26 UTC  

@Doc its not normal. That 260k people die. While other 3rd not that advanced countries have a less body count

2020-11-27 22:16:27 UTC  

then you have such things as different age cohorts and different spread patterns based on lockdowns.

2020-11-27 22:16:46 UTC  

And THEN you have the difference in ethnical composition.

2020-11-27 22:16:56 UTC  

Virii is generally less dangerous for the caucasian.