Message from @Zuluzeit

Discord ID: 782016918512730162

2020-11-27 22:50:40 UTC  

Yeah I saw that. A friend of mine on Facebook asked me for my opinion on that. I found the original article and a video of the presentation this lady did on it. Interesting the error that she makes in her analysis. I can go into great detail if you would like.

2020-11-27 22:50:41 UTC  

I see busillis is applying too.

2020-11-27 22:50:46 UTC  

strong application.

2020-11-27 22:51:01 UTC  

Yay 🙋🏼‍♀️

2020-11-27 22:51:09 UTC  


2020-11-27 22:51:52 UTC  

@Doc how about large AstraZeneca shareholder?

2020-11-27 22:51:56 UTC  

yes tell me how wrong the person reporting from the top US medical institution is wrong

2020-11-27 22:51:56 UTC  

@SPEARS, you just advanced to level 3!

2020-11-27 22:52:19 UTC  


2020-11-27 22:52:27 UTC  

@busillis I actually bought stocks in the local gun industry when the hysteria look off in march.

2020-11-27 22:52:32 UTC  


2020-11-27 22:52:57 UTC  

@Doc likely a fantastic position

2020-11-27 22:53:05 UTC  


2020-11-27 22:53:18 UTC  

9 mm has doubled in price even here

2020-11-27 22:53:35 UTC  

Funny how qualifications are determined by what narrative cherry picked snippets of information supports.

2020-11-27 22:54:20 UTC  

And yet folks probably have a better chance of shooting themselves with their own firearms then dying of covid

2020-11-27 22:54:24 UTC

2020-11-27 22:54:33 UTC  

But Fauci is a quack. <------ sarcasm missed its mark

2020-11-27 22:55:12 UTC  

@Doc I just liked it sounds good.

2020-11-27 22:55:53 UTC  

2020 it's not the year for letting facts get in the way of a good story.

2020-11-27 22:56:02 UTC  

Because it's somehow about not supporting Trump's expertise. Therefore quack.

2020-11-27 22:56:20 UTC  

well here's the original article along with a link to the video presentation

2020-11-27 22:57:14 UTC  

Everyone loves an unpaid vacation.

2020-11-27 22:57:42 UTC  

And destitute ending

2020-11-27 22:57:48 UTC  

Death certificats can be hard. My first week as a GP I wrote "mors subita" on a 92 year old because I couldnt find signs that her heart failure was what killed her.

2020-11-27 22:58:03 UTC  

here's a screenshot of her slides from the video at the 25 minute

2020-11-27 22:58:13 UTC  

I got an angry superviser into my office asking why she had been sent to forensics as a possible murder. 😄

2020-11-27 22:58:28 UTC  


2020-11-27 23:01:03 UTC  

remember that tired interns are the ones reporting deaths

2020-11-27 23:01:03 UTC  

@Doc, you just advanced to level 20!

2020-11-27 23:01:21 UTC  

usually at 0235 inbetween answering two phonecalls and nurse waffles with her clipboard

2020-11-27 23:01:30 UTC  

@SPEARS the answer as to why her analysis incorrect is staring her in the face at this point ... all you have to do integrate under curve to find the area which would be the total number of deaths in the US during the time period for the integration ... you would very easily understand that the total deaths for this year exceed the normal by way more than normal

2020-11-27 23:02:28 UTC  

@SPEARS in fact if you put this on per capita basis this type of event in terms of excess deaths hasn't occurred for over 100 years

2020-11-27 23:03:45 UTC  

The jury is out on whether we find that cause for concern. That's a separate issue.

2020-11-27 23:04:22 UTC  

@SPEARS now about 12 minutes later she has this graph

2020-11-27 23:08:02 UTC  

Choose your own dystopic future. Maybe not.

2020-11-27 23:08:27 UTC  

I always thought a nuclear war would be spectacular.

2020-11-27 23:08:56 UTC  

But lately I have grown to understand that watching the slow motion breakdown of the collective psyche can be just as spectacular.

2020-11-27 23:08:56 UTC  

@SPEARS regarding this second graph she says something to the effect "According to this graph provided by the study, deaths labeled under Covid-19 increased while deaths labeled under others decreased." and then concludes "All of this points to no evidence that COVID-19 created any excess deaths"

2020-11-27 23:09:08 UTC  

Too quick

2020-11-27 23:09:40 UTC  

@busillis exactly. a 30 second flash, 2 weeks of bodily fluids all over the place, and then it is over.