Message from @Luke

Discord ID: 782175349135769620

2020-11-28 09:16:52 UTC  

The so-called whistleblowers misrepresent all of this.

2020-11-28 09:17:29 UTC  

the military insider from Venezuela who was there when it was founded seems like a better source than facebook fact check

2020-11-28 09:17:35 UTC  

Research found through Google, sure to be unbiased right?

2020-11-28 09:17:59 UTC  

I don't use FB...

2020-11-28 09:18:01 UTC  

Yeah those FB factcheckers are a bunch of activist hacks

2020-11-28 09:18:37 UTC  

I feel for you... You 21 yo geniuses have it all figured out.

2020-11-28 09:18:54 UTC  

ah Washington post fact check a man of stature I see, why suck the zuck when you can bang bazos

2020-11-28 09:19:02 UTC  

I haven't given you any conclusions.

2020-11-28 09:19:51 UTC  

You true patriots are in the service, right?

2020-11-28 09:19:53 UTC  

I agree! I'm tired of all this anti American bullshit!

2020-11-28 09:20:46 UTC  

If you hate it here so much, go find somewhere else to be miserable

2020-11-28 09:20:49 UTC  

Im from the Uk and everyone is corrupt as a bag of spoiled potatoes here so no

2020-11-28 09:20:50 UTC  

@Luke, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-11-28 09:21:48 UTC  

there are like 70 tory mps called the common sense group and thats about it

2020-11-28 09:22:08 UTC  

I served (Navy). My dad served (AF). My mother served (AF). My uncle served (Army). My GF and his brothers all enlisted and served WWII. My family has spilled blood for this country since before it was a Republic. So, do NOT question my patriotism.

2020-11-28 09:23:09 UTC  

I just said I wasnt one lol, and nice honest work well done to you

2020-11-28 09:24:02 UTC  

I had a nice conversation with a gentleman from the UK earlier this evening.

2020-11-28 09:24:08 UTC  

might want to think on a geopolitical level for this election seeing as the US is in a cold war with china and all

2020-11-28 09:24:09 UTC  

It’s interesting that in 2008 republicans were hyper focused on Russian being the enemy because the establishment told them to be. Now the right demonizes China because now that is the current republican establishment narrative

2020-11-28 09:25:07 UTC  

Hey, @james j... Glad you logged back on.

2020-11-28 09:25:35 UTC  

it has nothing to do with the death camps, nothing at all

2020-11-28 09:25:43 UTC  

I’m still advocating for getting rid of the south or at least looking for a justification to keep them around

2020-11-28 09:25:53 UTC  

So far I haven’t found a reason

2020-11-28 09:26:05 UTC  

or the slave labour, or the vocalised wish to become the world hegemon, its all rep propaganda you got it

2020-11-28 09:26:11 UTC  

caught us

2020-11-28 09:26:33 UTC  

1000 tallents programme isnt real

2020-11-28 09:26:46 UTC  

again you got me

2020-11-28 09:26:57 UTC  

@Luke Why would you even care?

2020-11-28 09:27:09 UTC  

What does that have to do with a Cold War with America

2020-11-28 09:27:15 UTC  

because death is preferable to communism

2020-11-28 09:27:21 UTC  


2020-11-28 09:27:29 UTC  

No communists here...

2020-11-28 09:28:03 UTC  

id give better odds to basement dweller than navy vet this is so funny

2020-11-28 09:28:11 UTC  

Trump can literally say anything to a trump supporter and they will believe it

2020-11-28 09:28:17 UTC  

Sad state of affairs

2020-11-28 09:28:24 UTC  

steele dossier lol

2020-11-28 09:28:31 UTC  

What about it

2020-11-28 09:28:32 UTC  

I defended thinking for yourself.

2020-11-28 09:28:48 UTC  

accuse your enemy of what you are doing - ive read the book you dumbass

2020-11-28 09:28:52 UTC  

There is no cult of Hillary

2020-11-28 09:29:05 UTC  

no just Hillary's cult