Message from @andrasol

Discord ID: 782531266976284693

2020-11-29 08:39:49 UTC  

For everything said a liar can make a logical argument, but that arguement doesn't change truth it merely distorts it to the uneducated and i find it surprising the number of uneducated chirpers on discourse.

2020-11-29 08:40:56 UTC  

Yeah... that will never happen.

2020-11-29 08:42:06 UTC  

I have no idea what you are trying to get at...

2020-11-29 08:44:47 UTC  

No, but when we allow outside interfere from foreign countries like Soros to only name one (since like 100 yrs) to guide the hand of the nation and wreak havoc and terror upon it's citizens and the world for domination and control through perversions of human decency, then we are fast tracked into regression. Trump isn't Hitler, no...but all of the many wars we wage...who is it even for? Oil...or EU oil. It isn't justified or Biden victory.

2020-11-29 08:45:34 UTC  


2020-11-29 08:45:55 UTC  

Oops lol wrong tag

2020-11-29 08:49:28 UTC  

I don't know of any reputable media outlets that have asserted that Trump is like Hitler. Some have accused him of using authoritarian tactics - like denying election results in their eyes. Firing people who don't pledge their loyalty to him over their obligation to the Constitution. Firing people who disagree with him. Threatening to hold out funds to states that don't have the same ideology as him. Making interim appointments to get people into positions that were already denied confirmation for the same position by the Senate. Pardoning close associates that were convicted or plead guilty to lying on your behalf. Sending federal agents without being requested to interfere with local state matters. These are all actions that we have taken foreign leaders to task for engaging in.

2020-11-29 08:49:38 UTC  

Ok to be fair, I only know what my neighbor and close friend tells me about Biden’s racism. She’s African American and swears biden is racist and send me videos and clips of it and it could be taken out of context but, I never bothered to research it further because I trust her. Random fact i attended a local George Floyd rally and I begged her to go but she refused to go saying “all lives matter”.

2020-11-29 08:51:54 UTC  

I’m definitely not Republican, definitely not democrat. I am atheist and I’m going to hell lol but I think Trump did well with his 4 years in accomplishments

2020-11-29 08:53:00 UTC  

But if he’s just trying to steal an election I will be very upset. I need to see a public hanging over these accusations

2020-11-29 08:53:00 UTC  

Absentee voting isn't new which military participation is always counted so 10 days to allow our active military heroes or Americans abroad is moot. 10k votes also does not flip an election so you need to explain a vast gap in the math...but at 3 pm and not 3 am 😉

2020-11-29 08:54:33 UTC  

Gn you two😁happy debating!

2020-11-29 08:54:56 UTC  

I am happy to continue the discussion whenever you like. I appreciate being able to share ideas. I would also like to know what "vast gap in math" you are referring to. Math in Data are my thing, so...

2020-11-29 08:57:22 UTC  

The beef with Biden is the bi-partisan 1994 Crime bill that he co-sponsored with Sen Orin Hatch. It was controversial and is often blamed for accelerating the mass incarceration of minorities because the penalties for cheap crack cocaine were so much more harsh than more expensive powder cocaine. Many people of color do not forgive Biden for his role in that legislation.

2020-11-29 08:58:48 UTC  

Hey guys, wasent there a stream yesterday?

Cant seem to find it

2020-11-29 08:58:56 UTC  

Good night both of you...

2020-11-29 08:58:58 UTC  

I see. I also believe cannabis should be legal and a clean slate for all. I sound like a Democrat but I not lol

2020-11-29 08:59:20 UTC  

Only weekdays... the last one was Friday.

2020-11-29 08:59:25 UTC  


2020-11-29 08:59:45 UTC  

Then im all caught up xD gues ill have to wait for the viva stream tonight

2020-11-29 08:59:52 UTC  

Good morning all btw xD

2020-11-29 09:00:26 UTC  

We'll work on getting you to being a Centrist Independent...

2020-11-29 09:00:27 UTC  

Rebuttal is necessary considering unlawful attempts to extradite this presidency before it even began but you are very well aware of that.

2020-11-29 09:01:06 UTC  

Good night, all. Nice chat!

2020-11-29 09:04:47 UTC  

I agree that Trump was treated unfairly, but I think he must bear some of the fault. Becoming President puts him under a completely different level of scrutiny. His people made a mistake meeting with the Russians and not reporting it. I think that the American people would have forgiven the transgression because those that voted him in liked that he was a DC outsider and might not be expected to know that. If he had come clean, it would have ended there - I really think so. Nobody feels like they have to lie, nobody is charged, nobody goes to jail or needs to be pardoned. The fact that he didn't caused people to think he had something to hide and started a whole chain of unfortunate events.

2020-11-29 09:12:31 UTC  

Good morning... while it is technically morning here 01:10, it is actually late for me. How are you today? You are in the Nederlands, if I recall.... Is that correct?

2020-11-29 10:22:10 UTC  

Belgium. But close enough

2020-11-29 10:22:44 UTC  

And slowly going mad tbh...

If you guys thinj you have it bad corona and politics wise... phew... look at how we stand

2020-11-29 10:24:05 UTC  

We just heard that our gracefull overlords will ALLOW us to visit 1 (yes... 1) friend on xmas. But none on new years eve.

Police will check cars and music to determine where they go knocking.

And thats only a minor part of our troubles

2020-11-29 10:33:13 UTC  

Here in the U.K. they are giving us five days for Christmas and mixing of 6 families and then draconian measures until Easter. Outrageous, we’ll let the virus run rampant in five days and then we’ll go into lockdown.

2020-11-29 10:34:57 UTC  

And the people act like sheep. Like my best friends who are usually freedom minded give me shit for (as a single) seeing my second allowed contact.

2020-11-29 10:35:05 UTC  

The french at least have balls

2020-11-29 10:35:27 UTC  

As do the dutch... the gave the gov. An ultimatum... stating they wil open and stay open starting feb 11

2020-11-29 10:35:38 UTC  

But at least you guys get something...

2020-11-29 10:36:47 UTC  

And well... our election system is broken as hell... all elite parties flock together to always get a majority

2020-11-29 10:36:48 UTC  

I had no problems adhering to the rules at the start of the pandemic, but now not so more. The handling of the pandemic has been woeful. So bad it makes us look like third world countries.

2020-11-29 10:37:29 UTC  

Our election system is fine, we just have a leader who cannot handle the pressure. Right party wrong cabinet.

2020-11-29 10:37:52 UTC  

Her in belgium i was amogst the first to say corona looked bad. (When it was at 7 % deathrate)

My apothecary said it was nothing, doctor said it was a small flu

Everybody said i was nuts

2020-11-29 10:38:17 UTC  

Numbers changed... i changed opinion... aaand... noooow it was a bad dissease according to all

2020-11-29 10:38:25 UTC  

Jist shows that people are sheep

2020-11-29 10:39:10 UTC  

I agree, I saw the information from China in December. The government did nothing until March.