Message from @thebrodys

Discord ID: 784131372218056745

2020-12-03 18:43:51 UTC  

@james j of that lady saying Chinese people look the same

2020-12-03 18:43:52 UTC  

I can sympathize with you... I'm particularly annoyed that people are allowing echo chamber influenced emotions to get in the way of reason and civility. There have been dozens of affiants, at this point, that have come with what they have characterized as "proof" of fraud, but the allegations don't hold up under scrutiny. Unfortunately, the damage is already done at that point, the allegation gets amplified ad nauseum - long after credible explanations are found and affirmed in court, but those are never amplified. So, the net result is that those that fear that there was widespread fraud and Trump was cheated are not getting a fair and accurate picture of what is really going on. The same is true on the left - only opposite - where every claim is summarily rejected without any consideration. As a result, they don't ever see how reasonable people on the right could justifiably be concerned about what is happening. I think both sides have only compounded the problem. I personally believe that each side has formed their own mass confirmation bias. It's understandable given the circumstances, but doesn't alter the fact that each side was pre-conditioned to view the election through specially curated lenses. On the left, the possibility of widespread is 0%... On the right, it is a certainty. The truth is somewhere in between. I hope we are given the opportunity to know it.

2020-12-03 18:46:46 UTC  
2020-12-03 18:47:54 UTC  

Look at that guy.. he crying for help.. super uncomfortable and moving alot nervous

2020-12-03 18:52:26 UTC  

Lol “racist” y’all throwing that term around like snowflakes really. In general, Asians do look a like with little differences. She even said that people confuse Indians as well

2020-12-03 18:53:19 UTC  

It’s not racism. Generally, Asians have the same hair color, skin tone, even eye color.

2020-12-03 18:53:28 UTC  

So do Indians

2020-12-03 18:54:09 UTC  

I don’t know why, but white people have more variations than any other race.

2020-12-03 18:54:59 UTC  

The idea is that they look so alike that someone looking for difference s wouldn’t even be able to

2020-12-03 18:55:18 UTC  

It’s really dumb racist thing to say

2020-12-03 18:55:26 UTC  

It’s not racist

2020-12-03 18:55:27 UTC  


2020-12-03 18:55:44 UTC  

Ok all Asians look alike isn’t racist

2020-12-03 18:55:52 UTC  

People throw that card around like they even have a clue what that means.

2020-12-03 18:56:20 UTC  

You don’t have to be Intentionally malicious to be racist

2020-12-03 18:56:50 UTC  

Saying all Asians look alike is a well known historically racist thing to say

2020-12-03 18:57:13 UTC  

Highly disagree

2020-12-03 18:57:25 UTC  

Disagree with reality

2020-12-03 18:57:40 UTC  

Yeah that’s common place these days hence these sham hearings

2020-12-03 18:57:54 UTC  

Ever consider that maybe in general, some people really can’t tell a difference.

2020-12-03 18:58:07 UTC  

I can’t

2020-12-03 18:58:56 UTC  

What about all black people look the same because they are all black. ?

2020-12-03 18:59:18 UTC  

If u say that u will get fire from ur job

2020-12-03 18:59:19 UTC  

Again we are talking about people looking for a differences not jogging by someone quickly

2020-12-03 18:59:57 UTC  

You think someone looking for differences wouldn’t be able to tell two individual Asians apart

2020-12-03 19:01:13 UTC  

@james j the same as cops in USA where all black people look the same when they looking for someone.. and people have said that's systemic racism

2020-12-03 19:01:37 UTC  

Anyone else notice a pattern in these "hearings" when the Elite Strike force is criticizing precincts and counties (that are home to predominantly people of color), they showcase a person of color to bring historically pejorative racial stereotypes into the conversation? In this case, they bring in a person of color (Indian decent) to introduce the possibility of racial bias when attempting to identify someone of another race. In MI, they had Dr. Travers who repeatedly said the people of Detroit were too "lazy" to balance their precincts that were only out o balance a total of 441 votes in a county that cast 1m+ votes. I will have to check the other Rudy shows, but I remember thinking the same thing on another one....

2020-12-03 19:01:37 UTC  

The entire claim she is making is the need for ID to vote. That you really have no idea who someone is without an ID.

2020-12-03 19:02:08 UTC  

Based on the idea that you can’t tell the difference between Asians which is a dumb racist thing to say

2020-12-03 19:02:43 UTC  

It’s not racist. I honestly can’t tell a lot of differences

2020-12-03 19:02:44 UTC  

@thebrodys, you just advanced to level 6!

2020-12-03 19:03:31 UTC  

If you are looking for differences and can’t see the difference between two different Asians you would be blind @thebrodys

2020-12-03 19:04:04 UTC  

Oh lordy, I made a mistake not looking in here the last hour.

2020-12-03 19:04:06 UTC  

@TaLoN132 have u seen any African American making a statement, poll workers

2020-12-03 19:05:09 UTC  

And back to her point which was about the need for ID to vote, because there are so many similarities in looks, an ID to vote is necessary

2020-12-03 19:05:27 UTC  

Among other things

2020-12-03 19:05:28 UTC  

Also I have never heard anyone ever say all Indians look alike , trumps legal team just needed to slip a anti China reference in there somewhere . It’s just part of their disinformation campaign

2020-12-03 19:05:39 UTC  

To suggest that is also racist, apparently

2020-12-03 19:06:06 UTC  

@thebrodys again based on the idea you can’t tell Asians apart which is the stupid racist part

2020-12-03 19:06:26 UTC  

To be fair, there is a known issue that people are more likely to accurately identify someone in a lineup if they are of the same race. This bias has even been identified in facial recognition software where the success rate of facial identification is skewed toward the race of the programmer.

2020-12-03 19:07:25 UTC  

@TaLoN132 I guess that would be argument to hire more Chinese people at polling places