Message from @William Dinan

Discord ID: 785195009828978718

2020-12-06 17:18:57 UTC  

This would be an indication of bias on your part.

2020-12-06 17:19:09 UTC  

I agree it is bias...

2020-12-06 17:19:20 UTC  

But then I did a thought experiment and tried to figure out how that would actually work.

2020-12-06 17:19:40 UTC  

So the secret ballots don't have another way for the machine that they're not being read twice?

2020-12-06 17:19:54 UTC  

How do you explain that the secret ballot number matches the number of a ballot in the pole book?

2020-12-06 17:20:10 UTC  

And the Michigan case the ballot has to be requested

2020-12-06 17:20:28 UTC  

When it comes in it's matched to a signature for whatever little that's worth match to a serial number in the poll book then read.

2020-12-06 17:20:37 UTC  

You're going to have to be more specific. Way too many cases going on for that kind of generality.

2020-12-06 17:21:14 UTC  

What kind of operation would it take to have 100 sent out then received and sent back in that are requested.

2020-12-06 17:21:22 UTC  

Then a thousand

2020-12-06 17:21:29 UTC  

@Soburin That was the whole idea. Gives *you* the impression that it's a thing.

2020-12-06 17:21:48 UTC  

The ballot requesting software isn't looking for multiple inquiries from the same IP addresses that's not easily ascertained by the system administrators?

2020-12-06 17:22:03 UTC  

If it's not a thing it can be proven in court. Keeping it out of the courts just raises suspicion.

2020-12-06 17:22:35 UTC  

what 'ballot requesting software'? what even is that

2020-12-06 17:22:37 UTC  

We can't prove it in court but it feels right so...

2020-12-06 17:23:05 UTC  

Courts aren't where you do investigations. Courts are where you present evidence. They know what evidence is.

2020-12-06 17:23:32 UTC  

the irregularities can be proven in court. the violation of state election law can be proven in court. Why not let it be hashed out in court?

2020-12-06 17:24:16 UTC  

@Soburin that's the automated information system way that Georgia voters have a ballot mail to them.

2020-12-06 17:24:22 UTC  

404 - Not Found

2020-12-06 17:24:38 UTC  

I wake up in the Morning and see Snow on the Ground. Can I prove it Snowed overnight if I didn't see it fall from the Sky?

2020-12-06 17:25:03 UTC  

They are being heard in court...and being rejected because they are junk, useful only to convince people of their feelies.

2020-12-06 17:25:26 UTC  

but I got your point from the link. You're talking about voters requesting their absentee ballots.

2020-12-06 17:25:55 UTC  

@Soburin try that link

2020-12-06 17:26:03 UTC  

If you land on the page then you've likely proved my point.

2020-12-06 17:26:13 UTC  

The server requests are kept up with on a per session basis and tracked

2020-12-06 17:26:21 UTC  

So there's server logs for requests.

2020-12-06 17:26:50 UTC  

So if people utilize this automatic ballot request system they would have to have a different IP address quarry and had a ballot sent to them flags that could be traced.

2020-12-06 17:26:58 UTC  

So, are you saying that no one received an absentee ballot that didn't request it?

2020-12-06 17:26:58 UTC  

@Soburin, you just advanced to level 4!

2020-12-06 17:26:59 UTC  

100 ballots maybe

2020-12-06 17:27:04 UTC  


2020-12-06 17:27:22 UTC  


2020-12-06 17:27:23 UTC  

That's not at all what I'm saying

2020-12-06 17:27:45 UTC  

My point is it doesn't scale which means you can't run your voter fraud operation easily with tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of ballots requested.

2020-12-06 17:28:09 UTC  

Who "isnt letting them in court" they have started like 60 lawsuits how many do they need?

2020-12-06 17:28:09 UTC  

It would send up red flags and be completely traceable I'm sure they keep the server logs

2020-12-06 17:28:16 UTC  

Right, because that's not what happened. With the mail in voting that Kemp illegally allowed in the state they sent ballots to anyone and everyone they could to the point where no one knows how many mail in ballots were out there.

2020-12-06 17:28:44 UTC  

When the forensic analysis gets done on the machines today would that show any fraud on whatever system they’re linked up to or will it only show activity on that particular machine?

2020-12-06 17:28:52 UTC  

There are only 3 lawsuits brought by the Trump legal team. All the other suits are by individuals on their own behalf.